Joe Sugg - I Missed You

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It had been 6 months 4 hours and 12 minute since you last saw the love of your life. In a few seconds all that would change and you could not wait!

You had been in America for the past 6 months working. You thought you'd been fine, it was only a few months , surely you wouldn't miss him that much. You were wrong. You missed him from the second your plane took off. You had been waiting for what felt like forever to see him again and soon you would.

The flight felt like the longest flight you had been on. You could not contain your excitement but the flight was hell. You were watching the clock the entire time, counting down the minutes until you could finally see him again. You reached the part of the airport that you knew Joe was in and realised it might be a bit difficult to find him in the sea of people.

You scanned over the crowd and then suddenly heard your name being called out by familiar voices.

You saw them. Joe was stood with Jack, Conor, Mikey and Josh.

You felt your heart skip a beat as you saw Joe, you immeditately ran to him and threw yourself into his arms. He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. You felt save in his arms, face buried into his chest that smelt strongly of colonge. God you'd missed this so much.

You heard the boys all aww.

"I missed you so fucking much." Joe whispered.

You picked your head up so you could look into his eyes.

"I missed you too" You replied as you peaked his lips lightly.

"Don't ever leave for that long ever again." He chuckled as he put you down.

"Your hug made me remember how single I am" Josh laughed.

"Same" A few others said.

You said hi to all of your friends giving them each a hug and then headed off.


"We're homeee" Joe said as he flung open the door to your shared apartment and dumped you bags on the floor.

You ran in to hug yours and Joe's dog.

"I missed you soo much, i diddd" You said in that silly baby voice that people talk to animals in.

"I'm sure you missed that dog more than me" Joe chuckled.

"No comment" You joked.

You got up to get yourself some food.

As your were stood cutting cheese Joe wrapped his arms around your waist and leant down so he could rest his head on your shoulder.

"Can we cuddle?" He whispered in your ear.

"But fooodd" You groaned.

"But cuddlessss" He dragged you towards the bedroom.

"Fineee" You agreed.

You lay watching tv in bed, your back against Joe's chest and Joe's arms around you. You felt so safe and protected, you had missed moments like this so much while you were in LA.

"I missed this so much" He whispered.

"What?" You replied.

"You being here in general but I missed cuddling so much" He said.

"And well I missed something else too" He smirked as he kissed your neck.

You giggled.

"Wait shut up I like this part" You were referring to your favourite part in the trashy movie you were watching.

He laughed.

"Ugh it gets boring from now onwards, turn it off" You grumbled as your favourite scene ended.

"Okay then" He laughed.

He picked up the remote, turned of the tv then wrapped his arm back around you.

You stayed like that for awhile. In comfortable silence, just appreciating the moment, enjoying each others company.

After a while you heard Joe snoring softly. You smiled to yourself, you'd missed this so much.

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