Jack Maynard- Cuts

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"How stupids do you think I am?" Requested by UglyEater  I just want to say I'm not trying to romanticise self harm and I'm here if anyone wants to talk xx. Hope you like this. xx

You had been having a rough time recently actually that is the understatement of the year. Your life was going down hill at an alarmingly fast rate. But no one knew this. You put on a fake smile, covered your wrists and said "I'm fine". Not telling anyone the truth. Not telling anyone that you were hurting on the inside. Not telling anyone that you were dealing with this by hurting yourself on the outside.

You didn't even tell Jack, your boyfriend, your best friend, the person you could trust with your life. You didn't want to bother him, you knew how busy he was with work and you just didn't want him to stop things to look after you. You didn't want to mess up his life because your life was a mess.

But you knew, you knew he'd figure out something was wrong. He always did.


"Y/n I think we need to talk" Jack said as you arrived at his apartment "I'm worried about you"

"What why?' You tried to play dumb.

"I know theres something wrong" He fretted "Please talk to me"

"Im fine" You repeated the answer you gave everyone who asked that question.

"How stupid do you think I am y/n?" He argued.

You tell he was beginning to get frustrated.

"Why are you doing this?! You know I care about you why won't you let me in? Why won't you tell me whats wrong?' He croaked as he tried to hold back tears.

"Because.." You began but realised you had no idea how to answer his question.

You looked up into Jack piercing blue eyes and intense gaze upon you. Looking into his eyes made you feel weak and vulnerable.

You watched as a tear slid down his cheek.

"I'm sorry" You whispered and wiped away the tears.

As you were moving your hand from his face he caught you wrist.

"Y/n" He whimpered as he moved you sleeve.

You tried to cover all the scars but he had a tight grip on you.

"Please tell me this Isn't what I thin-k it i-s" He stammered. "P-please'

His eyes were filled with sadness and concern.

"I'm sorry" You said again and looked down scarred to look him in the eyes.

He let go of your arm and put his hand under your chin and pushed your head up so you had to look him in the eyes.

"Why?" He cried. His eyes were now red and his cheeks stained in tears.

"I feel worthless" You whispered "I'm sorry"

"Stop saying sorry, you don't need to apologise." He said as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest.

You felt so safe in his arms. Like there wasn't a thing that could hurt you, not even yourself.

"You mean the world to me y/n, you are not worthless. You're the most important thing to me. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. I'd be broken. You're my world." He whispered.

You stayed there for awhile. Save in his arms.

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