'Chapter Six ✓×

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Peter pulls Johnathan away, leaving me to awkwardly stay against the wall by myself.

Luckily, Chloe doesn't let me stay alone long.

"Finn! Finn! You have to dance with me!" She whisper-shouts, running surprisingly fast in tall black heels. She grabs my arm, trying to pull me along with her. I stumble, trying to keep my footing.

"What? Slow down, what's going on?"

"These guys keep hitting on me and the they didn't listen when I said I had a boyfriend,"

"Let me guess," I mutter, then dramatically point it myself. "Boyfriend?"

"Correct. Come on, you just need to dance with me and tell some guys to go away."

I roll my eyes. "Fine, if I must."

She drags me into a small dorm room like mine and Axel's, but there's no furniture to be seen. The light changes colours along with the loud party music that makes my heart beat in a pounding rhythm. She stands in the middle of the room and wraps her arms around my neck. I put mine on her waist and we start to dance. She looks around, obviously trying to find the guys who were hitting on her.

"See them anywhere?" I ask, having to lean in to her ear for her to hear.

"Nope. Maybe they left--" On that note, there's a shout from across the room and two boys in Daring University jerseys rush over to us.

"Chlo! Where did you go?" One asks, with brown spikey hair.

"And more importantly, what did you pick up on the way back?" The other basically gags. He gives me a disgusted look. He can't say much about appearances. His hair looks like it hasn't been washed in months.

"I told you two, I have a boyfriend. This is him," Chloe replies, releasing her arms from my neck to loop her slim hand into mine.

"Oh yeah? I don't believe it for a second." He turns to me. "You and I both know you couldn't get a girl like her."

I drop my head self consciously. Chloe tightens her grip on my hand.

"Excuse me, but this is my boyfriend, and just so you know he is a thousand times more attractive and a million times smarter than you and your friend put together. Now, I'd appreciate it if you left now."

The boys exchange a look, before scoffing and marching away from us. Chloe turns to me, giving me a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry about them. Don't listen to them, anyway. You're awesome."

"Yeah, okay," I mumble, trying to sound convincing. I take my hand out of hers, looking up at her and forcing a small smile. "I should go back to my room. I have a test on Monday."

"Don't be silly, you just got here," Chloe says, trying to catch my hand again, but I pull away.

"Yeah, I know I did, I just think I should go. Don't let those guys push you around, okay?"

Chloe nods silently. I leave the room, walking down the hall with my eyes down. I bump into people from not paying attention, but I ignore them. I walk back into my room to find Axel laying on his bed with a solo cup in his hand. I approach him, seeing that he seems asleep. I take the cup from his hand so he doesn't spill it, but just as I lay it down, he grabs my arm.

I flinch for a moment, his action catching me off guard.

"Axel, it's just me," I say quietly.

"I know," he slurs. His eyes still shut, a grin spreads across his face. "Come here," he says, "I need to tell you something."

I laugh. "I'm right here, just tell me."

"No, come closer. No one else can hear."

His drunken voice is entertaining, so I obey it. I lean forward a little more, but Axel shakes his head.

"Closer," he orders. I sigh and lean even closer to him, so our noses are almost touching. One of his eyes peak open for a second before he slips a hand behind my neck and kisses me. For a second I'm so shocked that I'm frozen, and in that frozen moment, I enjoy the feeling of his lips on mine.

Then I snap out of it. I pull away from him harshly, ripping my arm from his grip.

"What are you doing?" I ask urgently. Axel props himself up on his elbows and shrugs. I let out a ragged breath before grabbing my books and notes and leaving the room, slamming the door behind me.

I trail down the halls through the groups of people and bang on a specific door.

It swings open, and there stands Johnathan.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

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