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Note: The beginning might seem terribly written and maybe even rushed but plZ be patient with me, this is my first time writing a book here and I promise you this chapter was hardest to write because I wasn't sure of how to start it but the next chapters after this will be much better. Thank you 🖤


I was starting to pack up some of my belongings in my dorm room when all of a sudden the door swings open and a singing Niall comes comes in

"What time is it?! Summer time!!" He starts dancing awfully while humming the next verse, "school's out! scream and shout!" he throws himself on my bed and I laugh at his strange yet adorable entrance.

"One of these days you're really going to get in trouble for coming in here" Stanford is big on keeping a good reputation and boys sneaking into girl's dorms is not the way to keep a good reputation.

"It's the last day of school, they can't do anything" he states. I guess he does have a point. "This year went by so fast, it's crazy" I smile at him. I met Niall on the first day of school here, we're both studying to be pediatricians. I met him as well as his girlfriend that he's had for three years, except it was last week that she broke up with him. I've tried to have him talk to me about it but he refuses to talk about it, instead he just has a huge smile on his face and makes jokes all the time and he just always seems to be in a good mood, one of the reasons why I love Niall so much. But yet it kills me to think that behind that smile he's hurting.

"We should celebrate the fact that we finished our first year here without getting kicked out" I tell him "There's going to be this huge pool party, I don't know whose house it is but I have the address and I heard that everyone's going to be there, we should go." he tells me.

"I thought you hated parties." I tell him remembering the last time we went to a party, we were barely entering when a drunk guy threw up on Niall's shoes, that night we just ended up stealing the booze and watched movies in his car and of course his girlfriend, well, ex girlfriend was there too. I still remember the day that Niall introduced me to her, I thought she was so pretty and the perfect girl for Niall, they were seriously the cutest couple ever. I really wish I knew what went wrong.

"I know but I feel like this time it might actually be fun for us, and if it's not then we can leave early" he replies I'm really not a party person but he seems to really wanna go "fine I'll go" I answer, making him smile.

"Do you want to go shopping with me? I wanna get clothes for the summer and I feel like the only thing I own are sweaters." This is pretty much true, the classrooms are freezing and I feel like I'm in there 24/7

"yeah, lets go" Niall says standing up from my bed "wait let me just finish packing up the rest of my stuff" I tell him while starting to pack the things on my desk, which I was doing before the interruption.

"You're already packing? just leave it, you have all day tomorrow" he says while grabbing my shoulders and pushing him towards the door "lets go shopping already"

I don't stop him, there's no point, he practically pushed me out the door already.

"my car or yours?" I ask him "mine" he answers and we start walking down to his car. Once we reach his car I get in the passenger seat and watch as he gets in the driver's seat "safety first" I smile and put on my seat belt as he does too. He begins to drive as we sing along to terrible radio music.

In 15 minutes we arrive at the mall and begin to walk into several stores. Niall picks up some swimming shorts and then turns to look at me "do you already have a swimsuit?" he asks "wait you actually wanna go swimming?" I ask in return "yeah that's pretty much the point of a pool party."

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