Carefree Highway

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Author's note: words in italics signifies that they're messages. This chapter is a bit short but my next update will come in soon and will make up for this chapter (:


The drive from Stanford to Arizona is about
eight hours long.

Four hours on the road and Niall has texted me for the fourth time now, making sure that I am okay and wondering how many more hours till I get home.

I reply saying that I'm halfway there and that I'm fine. I find it cute that he worries so much, but I also understand why he does. He lost his brother at a young age due to a car accident and for several months after his death he would panic whenever anyone that he cared about got into a car. But he has grown out of it now, although he still worries a bit when he sees someone get inside a car, but that's normal. After all, whenever you're in a car there's always a chance you can get hurt.

I make a stop to buy some snacks and stretch out my legs, I fill up the tank with gas and I head back on the road.

After driving for a couple hours more and making another stop, I finally enter the city filled with many memories, both good and bad.

I know it's only been about a year since I been here but it seems like I've been gone so much longer. I drive down the familiar neighborhood and pull up on the driveway where my parents' cars are parked. I walk out of my car and walk up quickly to the front door and ring the doorbell.

I watch through the window as my brother looks at me through the window and waves at me and then flips me off.

I do the same to him and I hear the doorknob wobble and then the door swings open and I'm pulled into a tight hug by my mom "you were supposed to call us fifteen minutes before you arrived!" She exclaims in my ear

I pull away from the hug "a surprise is better" I say and smile. My dad comes up from behind her and hugs me "you're back!" I laugh a bit and hug back and then pull away to give my brother a hug but he backs away

"I don't want a hug" he says

"Oh, fine then"

"Just kidding" he smiles and hugs me

I hug back and then walk in as my mom shuts the door behind me and we all sit down on the couch "how's college treating you?" My dad asks

"good" I smile

"you're not going to those frat parties and distracting yourself with boys now are you?" my dad says

I laugh "no, I'm not"

"Of course she's not! She's doing so great! I'm so proud of you" my mom looks at me with amazement

Ever since I got accepted into university they've been acting like this. At first I was like them, super happy, so proud of myself, but now, I don't see what's the big deal, I'm just in a place where I have to pay to stress myself out so much that all I want is death.

"tell us about that one program thing that you're trying to do" my mom says

I start telling her about my chance to go to India to help the children in need and I get excited talking about it. I guess these are the good things about university, being able to finally start doing hands on things that get you started on a career and not just watching other people do it, that and the people you meet there, well at least Niall. I think he might be my favorite person in that school.

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