Every High has a Comedown

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I don't know long I've been staring at the ceiling. I don't know how to feel. I don't think I feel anything. I feel numb.

He didn't say a word when we finished, instead just rested his arm across my stomach and ended up quickly falling asleep.

I turn to look at him, he seems so peaceful sleeping. I lift his arm off me, careful to not wake him up but he ends up opening his eyes and quickly grabs my arm "don't leave" he says

His eyes are weary and sleepy, he looks so innocent. Half of me wants to lay down beside him again but the other half knows better.

I lean in and plant a soft kiss on his lips "I'll be back" I assure him. I can see mistrust in his eyes, as if he knows I won't actually come back to him. I'm afraid he'll say something that will make me stay but he doesn't.

"okay" he says quietly and lets go of me. I sit down on the edge of the bed with my back to him and I begin to quickly get dressed.

I grab my bag and give a quick glance at Shawn who has gone back asleep.

I walk out of Shawn's room and back to the small living room area. Louis is gone and Harry's sitting on the couch with Kendall laying across his lap watching TV and they both move their attention from the tv to me.

"That was quite a long shower" Kendall giggles

"yeah" I glance at Harry as he takes his eyes off me and turns his attention back to the TV

"where's Shawn?" she asks

"He's asleep in his room, and I got to go now" I put my eyes back on Harry "do you know where I can find Niall and that one girl he was with?"

"you mean Isabella?" He says without looking away from the TV "downstairs, going over by pool, there's two rooms, one is a bathroom and the one next to it is a guest room, that's the room she always sleeps in after parties" he answers and finally looks up at me.

"Thank you" I tell him, he nods and turns back to the TV

Before going down the stairs I turn to look at Kendall "it was nice meeting you" I say and give her a smile and she gives one in return. Half way down the stairs I hear her tell Harry "she's nice" but I don't hear his response.

I walk down the stairs and I take notice of how my body aches but I ignore the feeling. Once I'm at the pool I see a small hall which I didn't notice before, I walk down to it and knock on the first door

"It's taken" I hear a man call out from the other side, it isn't Niall's voice and I figure it must be the bathroom. I knock on the other door and no one answers.

I slowly open the door and peek my head through it. There's two people sleeping on the bed, I almost shut the door and leave but my eye catches the dirty blonde hair of Niall's.

I walk in quietly and nudge Niall's shoulder. I have to nudge him a couple time before he actually wakes up.

He wipes his eyes and looks at me "what is it?" he asks in a raspy voice

"We're leaving now" I whisper

He sits up and looks around, he seems to have forgotten where he was at for a second but then he seems to remember.

"I'll wait outside, get dressed" I tell him and walk out

I lean against the wall, I'm super exhausted, maybe I should of stayed with Shawn, I could be cuddled in his warmth right now. But I'm just thinking these things because I'm tired, I couldn't actually do that.

In about two minutes Niall walks out of the room dressed "ready?" I ask

He nods and we both walk out of the house. As we make our way to his car I pull out the keys and unlock the doors. Niall gets in the passenger seat and I in the driver's seat.

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