A little less put together

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Clare is the first to speak.

"when I was younger I had this boyfriend which no one knew about and he was older than me, but my parents were strict and I wasn't able to date anyone so I was super annoyed with them but then one day I told them about him and they told me I couldn't see him again but I still kept seeing him and then he told me that we should run away together and keep in mind that I was young and naive so I went through with it but the problem was that we didn't have money so we faked a kidnap, and my parents actually believed that I was taken away by someone and they ended up giving every single cent they had. And when they sent him the money he told me that he didn't love me and that I was stupid for thinking that he would ever love me. So then he uh" she takes a moment to try to keep herself from crying.

"afterwards he left with the money and I went home, and I never had the courage to tell my parents that everything was a lie and I had to watch them struggle financially for a year because they had lost all their savings and at that time my mom had lost her job as well" She finishes her story and wipes away her tears.

Louis starts to rub her back "I'm getting tired" she says in low voice

"you can sleep in my room if you want" Harry tells her

Clare nods and then stands and walks into Harry's room.

"you can sit down now April" Shawn tells me

Before sitting down I refill my cup with the nasty liquor and then sit next to Shawn

"One time I had a party at my house and everyone was so wasted and drugged, including myself, and I went to my room to go to sleep already and there was a girl passed out on my bed, I didn't even know who she was, and I-I swear I couldn't even control myself and I just" He sighs and looks down. "I started touching her and when she woke up she started crying and yelling and I slapped her across the face in order to get her to stop. She was able to get away before anything else happened but I just can't believe I did that, I don't know what drugs made me act like that but ever since then I didn't get no where near any drugs"

I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him and he places his hand over mine while looking down on the floor.

There's a few minutes of silence before Kendall starts speaking "when I was really young, around 10, I had a cousin, and he was 15 at that time and he was always kind to me and he would always play with me, he was my favorite cousin. But then one day when my mom went to the hospital to give birth to my younger sister she called my aunt and my aunt brought over my cousin to my house so he can babysit me. My aunt left to the hospital as well so it was only me and him. He asked if I wanted to play a game" her voice begins to crack and Harry grabs her hand. "I remember being super excited and then he took me to my room and he told me to get on my knees and" at this point she breaks down and Harry pulls her into his chest and rubs her back. "shhh it's okay baby, you're okay" he whispers in her ear.

I look away and drink all of what's in my cup at once.

I watch as Harry continues to comfort and Kendall soon stop crying and wipes her face with her hands.

"I'll go next" Shawn says "two years ago I met the most beautiful girl I could have possibly laid eyes on. I loved her so much but she came from a religious family and so she was a virgin and she wanted me to wait till we were married before we did anything, but you guys know how much of a fuck up I am. It wasn't that long til I took her down. Two months after that she found out she was pregnant and she told me. But I was scared and I was still too young, I couldn't raise a damn baby" he rubs his temples "she came to me crying, telling me that we both had to tell our parents and work everything out, and I yelled at her, I told her that the baby wasn't mine, I told her to find someone else, to leave me alone and that I never wanted to see her again. god, I never even comforted her, she was scared and alone and I didn't do shit to comfort her instead I got mad at her as if she was the one that did something bad. I've never seen her since" He finishes his story and picks up the bottle of vodka and drinks straight out of the bottle.

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