(I put this screen shot cuz it look funny)
Yep I'm back. So ima tell you about my life more in detail. I was born October 30/31 2018 at midnight between the 30th and the 31st. To my parents Emilio Martinez and Melissa tymchuk. My mom and dads story on how they met is very different from each other's. But I don't give a danm about that. Anyway I grew up in the team 10 house. When I was two I could walk and was discovering how to use my hands. So my "uncle" Jake used this to his advantage and taught me to use a taser so he could be able to have someone to tase Nick without him losing his crap. And I mean smart idea cuz he couldn't get mad at someone so cute. I was kinda blocked out from some of the team 10 members until I was old enough to be a "content subject". which I my mind translates to using me for views. But once again I don't give a danm. Also I used that time to discover my idole Danielle bregoile. when I was nine I was given my vlog camera so I figured well what the heck why not and stared my vlog Channel. But I was not promoted much by Tessa and neither was my mom because of that way dead temilio thing. I just brush it off and pretend I don't care which I don't. Even though it Burns a little sometimes

Dad-emilio Martinez
Hayran KurguHi my name is Jess (short for jessii) I'm 13 Years old...