Part 20

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Added a snapchat of me - so you guys have an idea of Simone and Jack 😍😂 my life is so sad. But I legit don't care I truly love him.

Also the cliffhangers are back! 😄❤️
-Jack POV-

"Now that she's gone." Sammy clapped his hands.

Simone had just walked away to Jason and his friends, leaving us behind without a single backwards glance. I wasn't even the least bit surprised - I don't know why I still thought maybe she would kick him to the curb. Did she really love him and was it my place to even ask?

I wanted to be mad at her as she linked hands with him and smiled. I wanted to hate her but it was the total opposite. I still wanted to shake her up and ask why she was with such a sick negative person. I guess Simone was the only person who did not see that.

"She as in?" I asked, tearing my eyes away from Simone and Jason frolicking away.

Matthew scoffed. "Oh please, you know who!" He wiggled his brows and leaned his elbow on Savanah's shoulder.

I rolled my eyes. "Y'all are so damn childish."

"Jack, its not that well hidden - your feelings for Simone." Savanah nodded.

I slipped up. "Wait, did she say something?"

Everyone perked up and gawked at me.

Savanah threw Matt's arm off her shoulder. "Whoa whoa! There's something to tell?"

I chuckled and ran my hands through my hair. Everyone around threw questions and exclamations - I couldn't help but laugh. In some way, it was exciting knowing this was a secret between us. Ideally, I didn't want anything between us to be a secret but what choice did we have? Or what choice did I have really?

I didn't care about Jason hurting me - I could take the clown. But what about Jason giving Simone a hard time. Would he? Either way, I didn't want her to have a hard time with anybody - I mean I know how these stuff work. Everyone would shit on her head for whatever could possibly happen.

I had to backtrack a little - reminding myself that Simone and I didn't really have anything. We may have confessed a few feelings - but that was all.

It wasn't a big deal.

But damn, it sure felt like the world stopped last night. I couldn't stop thinking about her, just wanted to be around her 24/7.

I needed to be with Simone. I felt it in my soul - this was end game. And I wondered if she felt it too, it couldn't have been just me.

I cleared my throat. "Nothing to tell alright? I - we - just got her back, let's not scare her away."

"Respect the man." Johnson finally stepped up. He then leaned towards me. "I'm still gonna give you shit for this though."

"Of course." I chuckled.

But Savanah's eyes wouldn't leave mine the whole time. I felt guilty for outing Simone in a way - this was something she had to talk to her best friend about.

-Simone POV-

Later that day, I wrapped a scarf I had found in the back of my locker around my neck just before heading to register class.

"Really cold, huh?" A familiar voice made me jump.

I turned around and found Jack Gilinsky smiling down at me. God - that smile drove me insane. I just wanted to grab him and...

"Probably getting the flu?" I shrugged and sniffed, making it believable.

Gilinsky didn't question further and I was grateful. After having that moment with Jason behind the bleachers - my neck still ached - I retreated to the bathroom to swallow the tears. I refused to cry anymore. Not in front of him or these people. And beneath the scarf, red finger marks were faint but noticeable to anybody with eyes. I hid it because I was ashamed.

Now looking at Jack - I knew better than to stay here and talk. If Jason or one of his buddies were to see us, so much as breath the same air - Jack and I would both be in shit. I was thinking of walking away but being close to him was like a healing and I knew that was wrong but I couldn't bare to be around anyone else. I didn't want to.

"Lets get to register." Jack nudged my arm, but his fingers lingered on my elbow for a while and we locked eyes.

Together, we walked the short distance to register, just smiling at each other now and then. The hallways too noisy to actually have conversation. But it was far from awkward - it was easy and calming. It made me almost forget about the marks around my neck.

Upon reaching register, I let Gilinsky walk in first following behind. I took a few steps until I smashed right into Jacks back - face first.

"Jack, what even?" I chuckled but he didn't even move the slightest. The rest of the class were talking and acting normal, so I didn't know why Jack had suddenly become paralyzed.

I came around to his side and saw what - or rather who he was looking at - and finally realized why Jack was shook.

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