when your pissed off

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So hi I'm gonna rant about shit so my brother and dad think oh you being bisexual is a phase ITS NOT that is why I have a girlfriend and I have had two and I have known for nearly as year bitch so don't say ITS JUST A PHASE ITS NOT I am no fake I know I am bi and why would I tell everyone if I wasn't 100% sure. Sorry bout that I was pissed well I still am but eh. I gonna start a project well my life is the project so next week I'm gonna stop talking to all My friends that I think are faking and only talk to my real ones so then I cut off shit and keep myself from wanting to commit suicide even more I think this might work but I don't have the guts to do it cause it will create a load of drama but I have another idea I'm gonna pretend I have ear buds in but I actually don't and I'll listen to everyone around me and then a year later I'll suprise them all by talking back to them and giving advice on the subject I want to know what you guys think I should do cause I can't do both. Onto another topic I have a few friends I trust completely with my life then others I don't trust that much but they trust me it's confusing but it works anyways when I hang around with the different friend groups I'm always left at the back and feel not included its upsetting and makes me depressed but at home I have ten friends online I love they are my world literally they are funny they understand my love for the DOLAN TWINS and Shawn Mendes and depressing shit and they help me for instance once I was becoming anorexic but my friend pinja she shouted at me to eat and if I didn't she wouldn't talk to me so I ate and she knew it wasn't much but she knew she was helping so after that I got over it over two weeks of not eating and none of my other friends noticed or cared but she did she cared enough to give me tough love which helped me even though she lives in a different country she's one of the closest friends I've ever had.

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