Entry 9.

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Diary entry: Sunday, September 17, 2017.

Nothing special happened today so I thought I wouldn't write in my diary, however, something did happen when I was up all night studying for the upcoming exams.

I heard a sound like a rock hitting my window and went to check it. To my surprise, Jellal was waving at me, telling me in sign languages to come down and meet him.

I was more than surprised, actually...I was overjoyed to see him; that too at such an hour. When the day is just at the horizon, when the flowers await their bloom.

Without wasting anymore time, I grabbed my jacket and quietly headed downstairs. I didn't want to wake Levy up. And even if she did wake up, she would ask me questions and Its not problem answering her but I don't want her to know about my relationship like this. I want to tell her at the right time and moment.

Gingerly, closing the door behind me, I turned around and looked for Jellal.

He was nowhere to be seen.

I got confused weather I was imagining things but it was fortunate that I wasn't.

Jellal was hiding behind a wall and startled me from behind.

I was taken aback and jumped a little but he let out an amusing laugh.

"Sorry..." He said holding his laughter. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's...okay..." I could feel my cheeks warming up in this cold autumn night.

"And I'm also sorry to just come up here without notice. Actually, I would've told you if I had your number but how silly are we? We didn't even exchange them."

"Ah..." I let out.

"To be honest, I was longing to see you..." Jellal said with an embarrassed smile hiding in his lips.

Our eyes made contact and it didn't break.

"I couldn't wait another day to meet you...I'm sorry." He shrugged.

"I'm...I'm actually kind of glad...that you came." I said in a whisper but judging from his surprised expression, I think he heard me very loud and clear.

"And I'm glad that you're glad." He came towards me and placed both his hands on my shoulders.

"It's cold and late, you should go back. Now that I've seen you, I can sleep peacefully now." His lips curled upward just slightly and his eyes twinkled in the darkness around us.

I nodded, although I didn't want him to leave so quickly, it couldn't be helped. But anyways, we are gonna meet in a few hours so parting now would only hurt meagerly.

"Goodnight, then." He slowly backed away as if hesitating to do something but thinking so otherwise and waited for me to get inside. 

"Night." I could hear the dejection in my voice but I couldn't let Jellal see me like this so I quickly went inside and up to my room.

I looked down from the window but he was gone.

I felt something pinch my heart but decided to distract myself by continuing my studies.

I just have to wait a few more hours until dawn and then I can see him again.

I can see his smile again.

I can hear his canorous voice again.

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