Entry 31.

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Diary entry: Tuesday, November 2nd, 2017.

Jellal came by my room after breakfast to let me know that we were leaving in an hour or so.

He told me to pack clothes fitting for two nights.

The one thing I noticed though was that he seemed happy.

Perhaps, he forgot about last night.

If he did, then I'm glad he did.

I packed my clothes in my backpack and was ever ready to leave for camping.

I headed to the living room but oddly, I saw a few other backpacks and picnic baskets on the couch and table. That confused me.

Kaira wasn't in the living room either.

I waited for Jellal and after a few minutes he came out of his room and into the living room with his stuff that was in a shoulder bag.

He looked around but he didn't seem surprised like I was.

"Jellal? What's with all the bags?" I asked.

When just then, there was an opening and closing of the door and Kaira entered the living room looking all dressed up and ready to go somewhere. She grinned at me and exctiedly walked towards the picnic basket.

"Hm, everything is set!" She turned to Jellal. "Jellal, just wait a bit for Tanji-Kun, he'll be here soon." She smiled and started to recheck the bags that were on the couch.

I confusedly glanced at Jellal and he let out a compressed sigh.

I didn't understand the situation at first but now I guess even Kaira and Tanji-San are coming with us to camping. I don't mind them coming but I'm worried about Jellal since he seems angry and annoyed. It's obvious that he's trying to stay calm but the way his ears and cheeks have turned red, even a slight poke could burst his bubble.

I tried to smile at him but it didn't work. He turned around and walked outside.

I wanted to follow him but for some reason, I didn't.

I stood there, just watching Kaira as she dumped a few more stuff in the bags.

A few minutes later, the door flung open and Tanji-San entered. He greeted me with a smile and walked over to Kaira who playfully yelled at him for being late.

Tanji-San ignored her rile, grabbed her by the waist, pulled her closer to him and kissed her passionately.

I immediately turned around since I felt myself cringe and my stomach did a couple of cartwheels that made me feel queasy.

I heard them giggle and whisper stuff and before I could hear anymore of their cheesiness, I quickly left the house.

Jellal was outside, staring down at his phone.

I casually stood beside him and gazed in front of me; the houses across looked so similar to each other, it was like an endless photograph.

"Are they ready?" He suddenly asked and I flinched.


He put back his phone and breathed heavily. "We're gonna miss the bus if they keep delaying like this." He turned around and walked back inside the house.

I wasn't liking the way Jellal was acting today but I don't blame him either. He probably can't argue with Kaira about Tanji-San. They both love each other. That's for sure.

Eventually, we were out of the house because of Jellal's continuous complaint on missing the bus if we don't hurry up.

Today, I saw the childish side of him and I liked it.

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