Entry 33.

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Diary entry: Thursday, November 4th, 2017.

Why doesn't anything go as I wish it would go?

Yesterday, as I had finished writing my diary and was about to crash on my head, I heard Natsu talking to someone downstairs.

I was inquisitive, so I followed the voices and stopped at where the next end of the stairs lead right to the entrance. I slowly peeked from the banister and saw a sheriff.

He seemed to be interrogating about something. I happened to catch the words...The sheriff was asking Natsu about a girl that was found dead in the woods this morning.

My body turned to stone. Girl. Dead. Woods. were the only words that whirled in my messy mind.

I was more than shocked. I was scared.

The sheriff then asked who all are staying in this house and Natsu answered precisely.

Suddenly, a hand touched my shoulder and I instantly turned with a gasp.

Silly of me to get terrified like that...It was just Jellal. He seemed utterly muddled at my expression and action and raised his brows.

I then mechanically turned my head to the sheriff and saw him looking right at me. I flinched and I wanted to run away beyond reason but I didn't.

I heard the sheriff telling Natsu that he wanted to interrogate everyone in the house and reluctantly Natsu had to agree to it.

Jellal asked me if I was okay or not, asked me why my face was turning pale.

I saw the sheriff leave, mentioning that he would come back again and immediately grabbed Jellal's arm and dragged him to my room.

Then, guess what happened next?

Yes, I spilled the beans. I told him everything. From the time I went out from the tent till the time I ran back in.

Even the 'peck' with Gray. I told him and I was proud. I was free. It was like something heavy had been removed from on top of my shoulders. And for those precious moments of vanity, I didn't care about his response.

He didn't give a reply for a few moments, as if his mind was processing everything I just said.

I sighed, sitting on my bed and he did the same.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" I asked.

"What do you want me to say?" He said.

"Anything." I looked at him, my eyes turning delicate.

"Thank you." He said.


"I thought you'd never tell me."

"What do you mean...?"

"I saw what happened last night with you and him. I was awake."

My eyes shot wide open and my heart thumped frantically again.

He then leaned his forehead to mine and smiled, "It's okay, Erza."

My eyes were stinging and I couldn't push my tears back.

"But I'll talk to Gray, mind you."

I nodded and hugged him tightly.

He understood me. He trusted me and that's more than enough for me.

The sheriff came by again this evening and the rest of us stood in a line like criminals.

He looked at all of us and said, "A girl was murdered in the woods last night and a group of hunters told me that they saw two people; apparently one boy and one girl in the woods at the same time the girl died."

I looked at Jellal, Jellal looked at me, Jellal looked at Gray and then I turned to Gray. He glanced at me for just a moment and then averted his eyes to the sheriff.

"I want you all to be honest to me and tell me who those two people were who were in the woods."

Seemingly, I was afraid, I was sweating but I knew that I had to come clean about me and Gray.

Jellal got nearer to me and I looked at him. He simply nodded and I knew what he meant by that.

I took a step forward from the line and simultaneously so did Gray.

"It was I." Gray said.

"And I." I quickly declared.

The sheriff looked at us both. I could feel the other's eyes looking at the two of us in much perplexity.

"What were you two doing in the woods last night?" He asked doubtfully.

"We weren't really planning on going to the woods but then we heard someone scream and decided to check it out, unfortunately, we didn't find anyone but were met three hunters who told us to leave, so we did." Gray answered coldly but confidently.

The sheriff then looked at me, placing his hands on his hips, "Is it true?"

"Y-yes, Sheriff." I nodded surely.

"When did you hear the scream?"

"It was around midnight, I suppose." Gray replied.

"And what were the two of you doing near the woods at that time?"

"Just talking really."

The sheriff bobbed his head.

"I'll come back again if there's any lead but for now I need you all to stay here until the case is solved. Leaving will be deemed you as suspect." He said and promptly left. Natsu followed him.

Jellal hugged me again. I was breathless but feeling Jellal's warmth calmed me down.

I hope me and Gray don't get caught up in something terrible...

We are innocent and we both know that, plus Jellal but the sheriff should believe us.

I just want this all to end and get out of here quickly.

I don't want to stay here anymore.

I'm petrified.

But I know that nothing will happen to me as long as I have Jellal by my side.

He will take care of me, won't he? 

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