Chapter 17

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It had taken Josey and I about two hours to put all of our clothes, footwear and jewellery away and when we had finished we walked to the library to find that Darien was waiting for me with the book laid out.

I smiled at him gratefully when I saw that he was looking at me. I sat down on the exact same sofa that I'd sat on previously when I'd first read the book and had to gulp quietly as I felt a sudden rush of emotions. Gosh my meditation wasn't helping much because I'd become more emotional over the past few days, more so than what I'd been like when I first left the Halliwells. I rolled my eyes at myself, blaming it on my hormones.

When I was settled comfortably Darien laid the book on my lap before both he and Josey sat either side of me. I took in a deep shaky breath before I opened the cover of the book thinking 'Anderson' as I did so. I wanted to check my destiny to see whether anything had changed drastically, not that it should've since I was sort of following the path that had been laid out for me in the book. The pages flipped at quite a speed before they stopped on the last page where I had read about what was to happen this year and frowned at what I saw.

The symbols on the rest of the page were still exactly as I remembered them except the last few lines that said that Chris was supposed to be ruling with me when I became 'Queen' kept flickering out, as though it couldn't decide whether they should stay a part of my prophecy or be scribbled out completely. I bit my lip at this and twisted my ring out of habit.

"Lila?" Darien asked and I looked to my left to see him watching me closely. I gulped.

"What?" I replied and he frowned before gesturing to my left hand.

"You still wear it. How come?" he asked and even though it was an innocent question I couldn't help but feel angry. What was it to him whether I wore my engagement ring or not? I took a deep breath feeling myself calm down with the intake of the cool air before I shrugged.

"Even though I left Chris to come here, my witch side still loves him. The ring is a reminder of what I'm hoping to have at the end of this" I sighed when Darien looked confused and thought about how to explain it to him since he was a demon and had probably never felt love before.

"My witch side still feels because the elements are tied to emotions like love and pain and so on, because of that I still have the ability to love Chris. We've been together for about seven years and that sort of love doesn't just disappear no matter how much I want it to. I wanted to check the book today to see if Chris was still destined to be with me and if so then I would hold onto that love" I said and Darien nodded slowly showing me that he understood what I was saying.

"But Lila that part of your life is flickering, which means that the book is actually unsure" Josey said, sounding surprised. Then again I'm sure this book was thousands of years old and probably up until me had never had to re-write anyone's destiny or even be unsure about it. I suppose that made the demons feel on edge, and I couldn't help but smile at this fact. I shrugged at Josey.

"Yeah well I still believe that I can turn Chris. If there was no hope of Chris and I being together then the book would've gotten rid of that part of my destiny, so my ring is reminder of everything that I can have if I can show Chris that being evil isn't really much different from being a good witch" I explained and Josey nodded at me.

I huffed a sigh, feeling slightly frustrated at the fact that the book hadn't really helped me that much in making a decision.

"Thanks Darien you can put the book back now" I said to him and he nodded before gently taking the book off my lap and returning it to its place on the bookcase.

"Shall we listen to some of your music?" Josey asked and I smiled at her. Both Josey and I loved the music that was on the shelves in my room and it was awesome because we would sing along to the songs together. It was a lot more fun when you could enjoy your favourite music with your friend.

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