Chapter 35

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Note: Okay so a double uplod tonight because I'm nice like that. I apologise for this chapter because it is very boring, but it explains bits and pieces of what happened. Please comment and such to let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy the chapter my lovelies.


Dear Diary,

So it's been a while since I last wrote in here and I feel as though I need to write everything down for later. I've always liked re-reading things that I wrote years before, so this will make for good reading in a few years time.

Well it's been two days since Wyatt and I battled each other, and since I was reanimated by the Elders. After I was resurrected, the boys orbed me home and they called for help, hoping that after what had happened the Elders would aid them in healing us. It didn't happen, so Chris set to healing both me and Wyatt. I don't remember much though because I passed out for a few hours.

According to Chris, who didn't once leave my side while I was out cold, I slept for about ten hours and I don't remember anything, except snippets of words of Chris and Wyatt telling me that they loved me and that they were terribly sorry. I always believed that the subconscious mind tells you things that you wouldn't know while you are awake, and I'm guessing that these words were said by the boys while my body was empty.

When I woke up I ate about three meals one after the other, never before had I been so hungry. It was then that explanations were exchanged, since they wanted me to explain what had happened so I hesitantly obliged.

I started off with how Darien had come to me in a dream and threatened to kill them all if I didn't come with him. I'd tried to explain my fear and the dread I felt at the idea of them all being dead but had found it hard to do, even when Chris came over and held me, though I instantly felt better about the physical contact. Chris and Wyatt had immediately understood why I did what I did, because they said they would've done the same. I remember that we had all exchanged a smile, something we would've done before all of this happened. It seemed that my relationships with everyone would be easily mended. Then I told them how I had accepted his offer, and how I hated leaving them and knowing that in the end they would all hate me.

Leaving them had killed me inside, but this choice had always been to keep them safe because I knew that at the first chance Darien got, he would try and kill them, to free me of them and so make me powerful as I would have nothing for my human witch half to hold on to. I'd skipped any details of the torture, instead just giving them the facts that they needed to hear, like basically how I had felt until finally I'd snapped, using my powers- both witch and demonic- to free myself and then how all of the demons had believed that I was ready. I skipped any unnecessary events like details of training, until I came to the part where I'd watched the torture of the innocent witch, and nearly cried with relief when Melinda told me that she had helped the witch to get rid of the disease.

It had been that day when I'd come up with the plan to betray the demons, though the idea had hurt slightly because I'd become close to Silus and Josey, but I hadn't seen them on the battlefield when Harry unleashed his power. I told the Halliwells of my plan to knock Wyatt out, giving myself the chance to kill the demons but how I had to rethink it when I knew that Wyatt would be too well-trained to allow me to knock him out. This was where Harry had come in and I managed to weave him into my plans, but during my time down there I'd had to kill an innocent. Something I hadn't counted on and this was when I started doubting my ideas, instead residing to call upon my mother's spirit and ask her for advice. I recited the conversation I had with my mom to the Halliwells while Chris had held my hand, before I explained my 'kidnapping' Harry. Wyatt had piped up then and said how he was sorry about that, he'd told everyone what had happened and how I'd taken my brother, obviously to turn him so that he could help my side to win the fight. I'd grinned at Wyatt, not at all feeling any kind of hate for him, because I understood him.

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