Chapter 1

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Lukes POV

There I sat. Staring frozen at the blood-stained walls. They say I'm crazy, they say I'm insane. Well, they're not wrong. But I'm more put together than some of the other sickos in here. Did I do something to deserve this? To deserve life in what they call the home for the criminally insane? Well, yeah... I'm not going to go around pleading innocence or saying that I don't belong here. I am not crazy, but heck, I'm not sane either.

I sat here on what felt like a bed of springs. I looked at the box of the possessions they allowed me to have... I could have items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, clothing and stuff like that... For me, I had a photo of my daughter. Only 7 years old and already is asking;

"Where's daddy? Did he get in trouble again?"

Yes, I have been to prison before for short stays. But only to protect her... I'm a good father despite being gone all the time... I always brought her back something... It was just us these days, her mom recently... passed away...

I went to the phones to call her as soon as I was able to. I called, let it ring once, hung up then called again. That was our signal.

"Daddy?" She spoke upon answering.

"Hey princes... Daddy will be back within a few months. I need you t-"

"I know, go with uncle when he knocks once, waits 30 seconds then knocks 5 times. I know the drill daddy... What are you in trouble for this time?"

"Nothing princess. Listen I have to go. I love you, stay safe." I said quickly before hanging up. I won't ever let her know what I did...

I spent my days in that asylum, following their routine. Breakfast at 8am, Lunch at noon and Dinner at 6pm. Group therapy at 4pm, solo sessions for me begin at 1pm. Lights out at 9pm exactly.

I go off and on with my insanity. Smallest things sometimes will set me off, I do not act this way around my daughter by any means. I screamed at the top of my lungs while fighting the restraints. It was like something was taking over my body. Screaming until my lungs were sore and my throat felt as if it were on fire. The restraints went to where, tightly chaining me to my bed of springs.

"Lucas Hemmings, we've heard a lot about you, and from you." The guard said referring to my screams.

"My names not Lucas, it's Luke." I said out of breath.

"Anyways, I've come to collect your personal things..."

"Like what?"

"Well, your lip ring for starters."

"Get these restraints off me then."

He agreed, and took them off. I sighed running my fingers through my previously styled blonde hair. As I was taking my lip ring out he spoke again.

"Who's this?" He asked holding up the photo of my daughter.

"My kid..."

"Cute... How old?"


"What's her name?"


"And she lives with mommy I assume?" He smirked knowing my situation.

I screamed at him and threw my lip ring at him which he surprisingly caught.

I stood up and walked to the wall and begun beating my anger onto it. Punch after punch, kick after kick the pain flowed through my body. Knuckles bleeding, head spinning. My bare feet even colder than they were before now on the concrete floor. Then to end it all I smashed my head against the hard wall. It only made me dizzier, I sunk to the floor leaning against the wall. I've done this before, the dried blood on the wall was mine.

Psychotic ♡L.R.H♡Where stories live. Discover now