Chapter 12

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  Luke's POV

There I sat in that cold cell, day after day just simply rotting away... They won't let me talk to her. If they don't let me talk to her soon I WILL go crazy.

"Dinner time Luke." One of the female workers told me.

Workers don't usually tell patients this, she must be new... I looked up at her.

"Wh-What'd you call me?"

"S-Sorry... Dinner time Hemmings."

"No! It's perfectly fine... Nobody's called me that in a while..." I said jumping up.

She nodded and walked with me to dinner. I could tell she was afraid of me, being she kept her hand on her taser on her belt the whole walk. It was nice being called Luke again.

"What's your name?" I asked preparing to be tased, workers don't usually like being asked questions.

"Delilah." She said softly. "No one's ever asked me that here..."

"Well Delilah, usually we get tased if we ask personal questions. From the looks of it I'm one step out of line away from that." I said referring to her holding onto her taser.

She moved her hand quickly. We soon arrived at the dining hall. I could tell she wanted to say something. I looked at her and waited.

"Canicomeandtalktoyoutonightinyourcell?" She spoke quickly.

"Sure princess." I smirked as I walked into the dining hall and got my tray.

I saw her blush and quickly go back to her assigned task.

Later that night she came to talk.

"Hey." I smiled. I've been excited about her visit, I don't get much social time with non-inmates.

"Hi Luke." She smiled back as she shut the door. She carefully sat on the end of my bed. "Wh-What'd you do??" She blurted "I-I'm so so sorry forget I said anything."

"No, its okay." I chuckled, "They uh, they look my daughter from me. I got involved in some pretty bad stuff to protect her and this seemed to be a better option than prison."

"I-I'm so sorry." She said with sympathy.

"Eh, it's okay. I'm sure I'll get out soon." I replied shrugging

"Is there anything I can do to help make your stay any better?"

And with that for the next few months Delilah would visit me. Sometimes after dinner, sometimes before breakfast. But the visits were consistent. For an hour each day after her shift and two hours after days she didn't work. Delilah was great company, she learned stuff about me and I learned some about her.

Delilah Edwards. 25. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Laugh that could cure cancer. I think if the situation was ideal that I'd ask her out. But she's so smart and funny and what am I? Psychotic.

Psychotic ♡L.R.H♡Where stories live. Discover now