Chapter 7

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  Lukes POV

When I woke up, it wasn't in the same truck I had been knocked out in. The smell of metal and dirt hit filled the air. My face throbbing with pain. I sat up finding myself in not the asylum or my home, but in a jail cell. I sighed and reached up and carefully touched the part of my face that was pulsing. I winced and pulled my hand away. The guard who first hurt me was standing in front of my cell.

"Hey sleeping beauty." He said with a smirk.

"I want my phone call." I demanded

"Oh to call your daughter? Oops too late, you've lost custody."

Head spinning I fell against the cold cement walls. I could feel my eyes burning with tears.

"Did you really think you could be a good dad? Especially in jail?"

I couldn't take it anymore. I launched myself up hitting the metal bars that were the only thing keeping me from killing this man. Screaming only made my lungs hurt worse. I went to the wall with the blood stain across it. I stood up on the sink and begun trying to pry away the bars that were keeping me from the outside world.

Guards ran in and it took 4 of them to get me off. Screaming and fighting trying to get away only made things worse. They grabbed me and took me to a room, a room very similar to the asylum. White padded walls and floors, the kind you'd see in a movie. Well, this isn't just a movie scene for me anymore. It's a reality. They put that infamous white jacket on me. Arms chained to my back giving me no room for movement.

I looked up at the padded ceiling and screamed until the taste of blood filled my mouth. Fighting the restraints as I fell onto my side. This room looked empty, but of the things that fill it... Filling it we have anger, sadness, insanity. So much more than the naked eye could see. I know the truth. Every scream lingers, every drop of blood replaced with bleach stains. But one of those things is contagious, the pain. When you walk in this room the pain you felt before multiplies by however much compassion you have left. The compassion I had left all went to my daug-

I let a scream out again remembering I've failed her. She needed a dad and I couldn't get my stuff together. She's probably scarred for life now. Living with some strange family when she should be living with me! It's all Maddisons fault!! If she hadn't of gone and screwed our marriage up I'd be at home right now. With my bed, my food and my family.

But I wasn't enough for her. She had to bring in another man into MY bed and did things with him for who knows how many weeks. I wish she had just had the decency to just come to me and tell me she wasn't happy. We could've just separated. If she had done that life would've been so much better for me and Leah.

I would've still had my job, I'd have Leah. Who knows, maybe I'd even have a new wife who I made happy. I'll tell you one thing, no one wants to date a killer like myself. But I can't help but to think maybe. This is my life now. I'll find somebody eventually. As I lay my head there on the padded floor I couldn't help but think, What if?  

Psychotic ♡L.R.H♡Where stories live. Discover now