Chapter eight

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-Tia PoV-
So that's it then ? Every fucking bambino hates me. Wouldn't blame them to be fair. Not one of the best looking people in like him. I wonder why he went for me I wonder why he wanted me for God sake at the end of the day I'm only a Muser like not even that famous tho. Well I've got him and as long as I have him I'll try and stay strong I guess. If Eloise doesn't keep getting in the way.

All of a sudden Charlie came out of nowhere and walked into mine an Leondres room, it was like a family gathering in here. Apart from Brooke, she probably already had friends.
"Hey Tia are you okay?" Charlie asked.
I didn't even need to think twice, I got up and ran to Charlie and hugged him, he hugged back of course, he looked  concerned, "hey hey what's wrong?"he said. I got my phone out of my back pocket and showed him the messages:
Eloise:I saw the live now your dead, I hope you kill yourself you stupid girl

Charlie took my phone and showed the message to mum and Leondre. They all hugged me tight.
"Listen everything will be okay i love you not her, she means nothing to me" Leo whispered.
I just burst into tears. Mum sat me on the fall and cradled me until I stopped crying.
"I'm sorry I ran of early Charlie i love you" i whimper
"It's all good, I love you too"He replied

To make everyone feel better Leo decided to take us out for a meal. I dont know what I could do without him, he's my everything

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