Chapter Two: Letters, Lily, Letting go

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“Dear Head Master Sanders,

        Here is the personal information that you requested, even though I gave you half of it already I thought that you might want all the information together on one document.

Full Name: Elizabeth Ann Johnstone

Birthdate: April 27, 1999.

Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Parents/ Guardians: Karla Lynn Johnstone and Mark Aaron Johnstone

Allergies: Slight allergy to alcohol (not eppi pin serious but I should be taken to the doctors after the reaction), also seasonal allergies.

Medications: Seasonal allergy medications, Daily Vitamins (Zinc, Vitamins A and B, etc.)

Payment for school fees: Cheque attached payment to Okos Academy.

        Living arrangement requests: Ensuite attached, small kitchen in room (Fridge, stove, sink, oven), queen sized bed or larger preferred. If I have a roommate I would appreciate us having separate rooms but I understand if that cannot happen.

        There is just part of the information, the rest I have sent to you attached to you in a USB.

        I am ecstatic that you chose me as one of the twenty people you have accepted, and I can assure you that you will not regret your decision. I am overjoyed that in less than a month I will be on the plane on the way to the school.

I will see you in three and a half weeks.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Johnstone.”

        I finished typing out my letter and printed it off. I grabbed my USB put it, and the letter, inside the envelope and sealed the envelope. This is one of the last steps before I go off to Okos. It almost seems surreal. It has always been my dream to attend Okos Academy and that is the reason why I have worked so hard all my life. 

        So far I have packed and shipped my performing instruments to Okos, after getting permission from Head Master Sanders to do so. I also have packed my different sports equipment that the school didn’t have.  It’s even more exciting to think that in three weeks I will be called on of the most intellectual teenagers in the world.

        Even though I am the smartest teenager in my Province, heck I’m probably the one of the smartest if not the smartest teenagers in Canada, I don’t have many friends. I mean sure I like my dance teachers, and my music teachers, and even my coaches, but in all the dances and teams I’ve been on, no one is really there to make friends. We’re all there to become the best.

        So you could say that I have no real friends. Maybe that’s the reason why I am so excited to go to a school where everyone is like me. Maybe at Okos I’ll finally have a real friend. Well other than my dog Lily. She’s a Golden Cocker Retriever, aka a forever puppy.

        “Arf Arf!” Lily barks at me trying to get my attention.

        “Aw sorry Lil, I forgot to take you on your walk. Do you want to go on one now? Huh, hey Lil, do you want to go on a walk!” I ask her.

        She starts barking like crazy and wags her tail as she spins in circles. I guess that means she wants to go for a walk. She runs down stairs and is waiting by the door. I grab her leash, some treats, my letter and my running shoes because I know I’m gonna need them. I put Lil on her leash and open up the door. I’m locking the door behind us and Lil starts barking aggressively.

        “Lily, what’s wrong? Hey girl, you don’t need to bark like that.” I tell her. I turn around to see what’s got her all worked up when I see a man dressed in all black getting into a car. Now I see why she was so loud. She was trying to scare off the dangerous looking man.

        “Good Lily! You scared the bad looking man away! Here have a biscuit.” I always bring treats for her in our walks. What can I say? I love my puppy. I continue our walk because it is not fair to Lily that we stop walking just because I am scared. Anyways I have my keys with me and those can be used as a weapon of self defense.

        Lily and I walk for about twenty minutes until we get to one of the Post Offices in the city. I bring her in with me and we hand my letter to the Margret, the mail lady, who’s at the front desk. I asked her to make sure the letter got delivered as soon as possible because it was very important. She knew what I was talking about and how the letter was important because it was a letter for my private school.

        Lily and I then continue our walk. We walk down our usual route and arrive back home one hour later. I walk into the house and give Lily some water. I go to my room and pull out some boxes. While I go to school my parents are going to redo my room into a guest room meant for me when I come back during breaks.

        I grab a box and start packing up some items that I am going to donate to the local child care center. There the children would put more use to my old stuff than my closet would. I go through my closet first. I get rid of my old school clothes and dress clothes.

        I also get rid of my old training gear from when I was little; I hope the children can use it. I then get rid of some of my older toys and stuff, but not the ones that hold too much sentimental value. I still get custody of the closet, even when I‘m in another country.

        I finish packing up the boxes, the ones I’m donating and the ones that we are putting in storage. I take them outside and put them in the back of the trucks. Then I go back upstairs to my bedroom.

        It looks so different now. The room is bare, only having the necessities left in it. Inside of the room is my bed, a side table with a lamp, a desk, a bookshelf, the closet and of course the mirror. I walk around my bed and look into the mirror.

        The girl staring back at me looks so much different than the girl I used to know. This girl looks mature, with waist long dirty blond hair and bright hazel eyes. She’s not that tall, only about five six and she isn’t skinny but is muscular, and somehow even with the muscularness she still has a feeling of elegance to her.

        I change into my pajamas that I didn’t pack or give away and get into bed. I can’t wait to go Okos. The three and a half week wait just can’t end soon enough.


        Hi! Thank you so much for reading. Please comment if you like the story! 

        Also vote and follow me if your heart tells you to, because remember your duty is to your heart. Haha one of my favourite lines from Mulan. 

Okay that's it for now! Enjoy your reading!! 

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