Chapter four: Wakey wakey

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I wasn't kidding when I said that it was going to be a long flight. Including the delay, and the extra hour due to turbulence, the flight was a total of 6 and a half hours long. Way longer that it usually takes to get to Toronto.

About ten minutes before we landed in Toronto the intercom came on and we were told to buckle up because we'd be landing soon. Sadly my seat buddy, Noah, was still fast asleep. And the stewardess couldn't reach him over me so I had the lovely pleasure of waking him.

One thing I found out about Noah over the flight was that he was a very, and I mean very, heavy sleeper. I mean I even hit him with a pillow a couple times and the only response I got out of him was a snort type snore. Ew.

So I tried turning his music up. Only to find out that the was head phones were connected to nothing. Ugh. So I took measures into my own hands and had to do what I had to do. I called the stewardess over and asked her to get me a glass of ice water.

Once she finally brought the glass over I dipped my hand in the glass and grabbed an ice cube. I'm not a total jerk so I didn't want to pour the thing over him so that he was soaked going off the plane. I then took the ice cube and dragged it across his forehead. No response. Then I dragged it over his cheeks. No response there either. I dragged it over his whole face and neck and I finally got a response. He didn't wake up but his did make this 'Mmmm' noise.

Since he wasn't waking up I once again had to take matters into my own hands. So I took three more ice cubes from the glass. And I put the one I was previously holding and one of the three and shoved them down his shirt and put the other two in each shoe and he woke up with a scream. Needless to say the rest of the people on our flight were not too happy with us.

Noah didn't speak to me after I woke him up. He just glared at me until the plane landed.

Not like that was different from the rest of the flight.

When we finally landed in Toronto I was so excited to get off the plane and more importantly to get away from the very moody teenage boy who was sitting beside me.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and got up to grab my bag from the compartment. Only to find out that I was too short to reach my bag. Not because I was short myself, but because someone put my bag on top of theirs so it was out of my reach.

Noah got up and grunted as he got both my bag and the one underneath it, which I'm guessing is his, down. I thanked him and rushed off the plane, after thanking the pilot and stewards and stewardesses.

I started off towards the nearest Tim Horton's I could find. What could I say, I was a Canadian girl. I ordered a large iced lemonade and waited for my order. I saw a worker place a large iced lemonade on the counter so I moved to go get it. However when I went to go grab it someone else did too.

I looked up only to see my ex-seat buddy Noah grabbing my drink.

"I'm sorry but this is mine." I told him.

"I believe it's mine." Wow be sure came up with a great line to plead his case.

"No it's mine. I ordered first." I said while stomping my foot. Okay so maybe that was a but childish but I'm a child at heart.

"Alright let's ask the workers." he replied.

"No, you no what. Your germs have been on that cup so I no longer want it. I'll just wait for the next one." I sigh. I let him win. It's not worth the fight. Especially since there are a lot of people around.

Not even a minute after Noah left with his drink, I got mine. I took a long drink. Ah. So refreshing.

"All people aboard the 12:30 am flight to Scotland should be heading to boarding for the flight will be taking off in 40 minutes. We hope you have a safe trip and thank you for flying with us."

The 12:30 am flight to Scotland. Now why does that sound familiar? oh yea. That's my flight. Oh gosh! 40 minutes, I have to get over there.

I quickly made my way over whilst finishing my iced lemonade. When I finally reached my destination I tossed my cup and headed to the line.

"Boarding pass and passport please." The worker, Carry according to her name tag, said to me with a smile. I politely smiled back at her and handed her what she asked for.

"Thank you and enjoy your flight." She said with another smile.

"Thanks you too!" I told her with an equally enthusiastic smile.

She gave me a weird look and then I realized what I said. I'm so embarrassed. Why did I say you too? now she probably thinks I'm a freak. Oh well. At least i'll probably never see her again.

I boarded the plane and got settled into my seat. Luckily I had the window seat this time. I was gazing out the window when I saw someone sit next to me.

A familiar deep voice spoke, "Oh god! Not you again." I turned to look at my seat mate for the next ten to twelve hours to see that it was my seat buddy from the last flight, Noah.


Sorry for two short chapters in a row. But I'm trying to update more frequently soo this was the best I could do.

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