Chapter Twelve: Questions, lots of them.

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We finally reached campus an hour later. Brenna and I said goodbye to Noah then we parted ways.

"Hey Ell?" Brenna says once we're in the girls dormitory.

"Yea Brenna?"

"What's going on between you and Noah? I can feel the tension between the two of you. Are you guys having a couples' fight right now?"

I stared at her in disbelief. Couples' fight? Noah and I are not a couple. Why would she even think that?

"Hey Ell? You still there?" She said as she gently shook my shoulder.

"Yea I'm here. And there's nothing gong on with Noah and I? And we are most definitely NOT a couple. Trust me, I would know if we were one."

"Oh. You guys are just always together it seems." Brenna justifies as we reach my room.

I grab my key and unlock the door.

"Do you want to come in?" I say as I push the door open. "And I'm not the reason why we're always together. Usually I just go somewhere and he's also there. We never plan it. And he's the one who always offers to help me out. I have never once started a conversation with him."

"Well that's rude of you. If he helps you, you should at least say hello to him sometimes."

It's nice to know that one of my only friends ever decided to focus on the last thing I said, instead of the rest of things I said all together.

I sigh, "I'll take that into consideration. Thanks."

"Your welcome!" With that she flops onto my bed.

Did she seriously not realize the sarcasm I used there? Man, for a girl who could get into an elite super genius school like Okos, she sure isn't that bright when it comes to social intelligence.

"So," She begins, "If your not going to jump at that piece of meat, than can I take a chance at it?"

"First of all, if guys can't refer to us with demeaning objects, then we in turn should not objectify them either. Also knock yourself out."

She gives me a look of disbelief. "You're sure you don't want him?"

"Yes I'm sure." I assure her. I really did not need any distractions. School has always come first and it shall until I am done with my education.

"Hey. Have you ever wondered why we are doing this game? I mean it doesn't really seem neccessary." I ask her as I take my sweater off and grab clothes so I can go and shower right away.

"Hmm. I never really thought of that. I just assumed it was for fun."

Maybe she's right. Maybe this is just for kicks and so the boarding and the rest of the school, can have a giggle at the newbies.

"Maybe you're right. Can you show yourself out and lock the door please? I'm going to go take a shower."

Brenna looks at me and smiles.

"Yea, okay. I think you need some time alone anyways. You look kinda off. Get some rest. I know I sure need some. Oh and if you need to talk I'm here. Feel better." With that she walked out of my room.


I walked out of the barroom towel drying my hair. I grabbed a banana off the counter and draped the towel over a chair.

After finishing the banana, and going to brush my teeth. I grabbed the bottle from today out of my bag.

Why do I need this? None of this is making any sense. Why are we competing if we made it into the school? Shouldn't I be leaning something, or at least going to a class? I mean, I did sign up for this school to get the best education I could. As so far I've learnt nothing. Other than you should always answer riddles in groups. I.E. the more brains the better.

I really hope that this competition thing is done soon. Otherwise it was a waste applying to go to this school.

I sigh and flop onto my bed. This school is getting frustrating and I wish I knew why we are doing this.

I worked myself up over the reason behind the competition that I have exhausted myself. So I close my eyes and do the one thing I know the reason behind, and that's sleep.


I know. I know. I'm a horrible person and I haven't updated in forever. But I kinda have a case of writers block. Where I have the ideas, but not the creativity.

This is all I could come up with that was semi creative. I'm sorry for that.

So Brenna questions Ell and Noah's relationship. Then wants Noah for herself. Then Ell questions the system. So much info in such a short chapter.

Anyways. I apologize once again, also for the late and very short chapter. I promise to upload the next one quicker (but don't hold me to that)

Also exciting news. Okos hit 50 votes and 2040 reads. Thank you all!

Love you all! And thanks for reading and voting!

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