Chapter One: Applicant Accepted

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"Dear Miss Elizabeth A. Johnstone,

        We have spent many hours looking over the lists of applicants for this upcoming school year, and we are pleased to say that we will be pleased to see you in the fall. The staff here at Okos Academy, Private School for the Gifted is thrilled to have you as a positive addition to our school.

        We were pleased to see that your have exceeded the requirements for the school with a total of 5 mastered sciences, twelve mastered instruments, eleven mastered sports, mastery over all the maths, mastery of English, Canadian, French, American, and Spanish histories, fifteen different languages, as well as mastery over thirteen different styles of dance. We were also delighted to see that you have a ninety-nine point nine percent average.

        We ask that your fees be paid by the end of July. Please write us if you have any concerns with living conditions or dietary habits. All students are required to arrive at the school, exactly one week before the beginning of the first semester, which starts on Tuesday, September 1st.  Thank you for applying to Okos Academy and we hope to see you on the 24th of September.

Mrs. Leanne Sanders. Head Master of Okos Academy, Private School for the Gifted."

        I squealed out of delight when I finished reading the letter.

        "Mom, Mom come quick! I just received the best sixteenth birthday present ever!" I yelled. I heard my mother running up the stairs and when she got to my room she was out of breath.

        "What is it El? Did a boy climb through your window and ask to be your boyfriend?"

        "What? Mother, stop. That wasn't it. I just wanted to tell you that I got in." I proudly told her while holding up my acceptance letter. She smiled with pride.

        "Oh sweetheart that is amazing, I am so glad that all of this hard work has paid off."

        "Oh mom, the hard work hasn't even begun. I still have to write them a letter, pack all my instruments, clothes and everything. I also have to work on my dancing and. Oh my gosh mom, we have to go and buy new clothes. I can't take my old clothes to the best school in the world. I need the best of the best. Maybe I could ask dad for money. Do you think he'd mind, I mean the restaurant chain is doing pretty well, so he could spare some money? Also I will be gone for ten months, possibly more so I won't be at home to mooch money off him anymore, although I can still do that over the phone. Mom I really....." Words just kept spewing out of my mouth.

        "Shh. Honey slow down otherwise your tongue will fall off. Now go talk to your father, while I gather up all of your performing instruments and start packing them. I'll leave your practicing ones alone. Now go on, go speak to you dad while he's in a good mood, otherwise this little shopping spree your planning won't happen."

        I sprinted down the stairs and ran to my dad's office to ask him for the money. When I got there he obliged and gave me more than enough money to buy new clothing. I ran back upstairs and jumped onto my bed so I could read the letter one more time.

        The school that I got accepted into, Okos Academy, Private School for the Gifted, starts for students who are age sixteen and goes until you are twenty two. It is a very hard school to get into. Only the best of the best can even make it onto the applicant list, let alone the acceptance list. Okos accepts twenty new students every year, ten girls and ten guys. These students have to of met a series of requirements.

        The list of requirements that the school sends out to applicants is:

1. Every student must have an overall average of at least 97%.

2. Every student must master at least one musical instrument. The voice only counts as an instrument if you have mastered two other ones.

3. The mastery over at least one sport is required, for all students are required to do an intensified training gym class.

4. The student applying must have mastery over a minimum of one science.

5. They must be a master over one of the main maths.

6. The student must know how to write a perfect essay and have a ninety eight or higher in English.

7. The student must know the history of at least two countries.

8. The school is open to students from all around the world, so students must be able to speak at least two languages fluently.

9. The student must have mastery over at least one art of dance.

10. The student must have proper etiquette for every event. Including meeting royalty.

        I am extremely happy that Head Master Sanders noticed that I surpassed most of the requirements and that was necessary to apply. I have worked very hard all of my life to meet the unattainable standards that Okos has made and I worked even harder to beat them.

        I have a 99.9% average, which is higher than required. Also, instead of knowing only one or two of the languages, dances, sports, instruments, maths, histories, and sciences, I know double or triple the amounts.

        Instead of knowing one musical instrument, I know twelve. I have mastered the violin, the alto saxophone, the flute, the piano, the guitar, the viola, the trumpet, the clarinet, the tuba, the timpani's, the drum set, and the voice.

        There were only one sport required but I have mastered basketball, gymnastics, volleyball, badminton, baseball, soccer/football, lacrosse, competitive dance, archery, Golf and Knife throwing.

        I have mastered five different sciences: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Astronomy, and Ecology.

        I can solve any math problem and have even taught teachers how to teach math.

        I know the histories of Canada, England, France, Spain and the United States of America, which is three countries more than required.

        I can fluently speak English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Greek, Mandarin, Latin, Icelandic, Bulgarian, Hindi, Swedish, Finnish, Hungarian and German.

        Lastly I have mastered twelve more dances than required. The dances I do are jazz, hip hop, ballet/ pointe, swing, ballroom, tap, contemporary, belly, Cha Cha (Latin Ballroom), Salsa, Cheerleading, Irish and Ukrainian.

        With all of these skills I hope that I fit in at Okos, because if I don't it is going to be a long ten months and an even longer next few years.


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