Chapter Ten: Mini Monologues and Layers.

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The minute the lights turn back on, I can see all the worried and terrified faces on the nineteen other year one students. I then look around the room at the other students. They all look relieved that their opening week is over, and they have a look of pity on their faces.

The panic starts to set in. I turn to look at Claire. She was looking at me to. It was obvious that we were both worried about the events that would happen at opening week.

“Claire?” I squeak.

“Yea, El?”

“What are we supposed to do?”

“I have absolutely no clue.”

Once again, that annoying, deep voice breaks our conversation. “Well the first thing you could do is stop panicking and grab the paper that is under your seats." Noah tells us as he reaches under his own seat and pulls out an envelope.

Claire and I both pull out our own envelopes. Inside of them is some kind of message. Too bad its in a code. I stare at the page. It says:

"23 8 5 18 5     25 15 21     6 9 18 19 20     1 18 18 9 22 5 4     9 19     23 8 5 18 5     25 15 21      23 9 12 12     6 9 14 4      25 15 21 18    6 9 18 19 20      3 12 21 5     20 15      8 5 12 16      25 15 21      19 21 18 22 9 22 5   15 19 5 14 9 14 7     23 5 5 11."

I turned to ask Noah what the paper meant but he was already standing up.

"And the second thing that you could do is follow me.” When he’s done speaking he stands up and walks away. He stops when he’s about ten feet away from us and turns around.

“Well what are you waiting for,” he says. “Are you coming?”

Claire and I exchange a glance and then quickly get out of our seats.  We run over to Noah and we walk out of the auditorium.

“Where are we going?” I ask Noah, trying to catch my breath.

“You’ll find out.” Was all he said.

Once again Claire and I exchange a look. I know that we were both a little panicked about trusting Noah, but what other plan did we have?

We start walking down the hill that leads to the water. We pass all the different buildings. As we trek down the hill, I see all the people on campus. Some are running, others play a match of tennis. Some are even sun bathing.

We continue walking until we have reached the dock where we first arrived at, and attached to one of the poles on the dock is a paper that looks like it has the next piece of information we need for opening week.

“What are we doing here?” Claire asks.

“This is part of the first event of opening week.” Noah replies. 

"But how did you know that we were supposed to go here?" I say to him. 

"The paper was simple. The numbers were a part of a simple numerical line. That's a line that replaces the letters of the alphabet with numbers. So all you had to do was match the letters with the numbers and you could read the message with ease. The one we were given said 'Where you first arrived is where you will find your first clue to help you survive opening week' Obviously where we first arrived was the loading dock. So I took us there." He finishes his mini monologue and I just stare at him in awe.

Who would think that under that layer of obnoxiousness that there was a smart layer. 

Maybe I will be able to handle being around Noah. I mean, anyone who chooses to help me in a competition is a person worth trusting, but he's not getting all of my trust right now. He'll have to earn most of it. But as they say. Keep your friends close, and keep your enemies closer.


Hi guys! 

I just wanted to say thank you for all of the support you guys have given me. I am glad to say that Okos has reached 1.4K reads and that we have reached 40 votes. I could have never imagined that my story would have come this far.

On that note. Please keep voting and commenting your feedback. It means a lot to me. 

I love you all!!

And thanks once again!

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