Chapter Five: Oh god! Not you again!

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Hi guys! In this chapter I have some riddles. Answer them when you read the question and comment your answer and the person who gets the most riddles correct gets a dedication next chapter. Also please don't cheat and read the answer and comment it, otherwise you ruin all the fun!

Now carry on reading!


"Oh god! Not you again." I turned to look at my seat mate for the next ten to twelve hours to see that it was my seat buddy from the last flight, Noah.

"My thoughts exactly." I say while crossing my arms. What are the chance that I get put next to the most annoying guy two flights in a row? Obviously my luck is pretty crappy right now.

"Hmmph!" I look at my seat mate again. It appears that he decided it would be best to pout and listen to music instead of talking. That's fine with me. Thankfully I have the window seat this flight. I pushed the window cover up and took out my camera.

Looking out the window of a plane always has a sort of magical affect on me. I mean why wouldn't it? What is more amazing than watching the clouds float away from under neath you? It's astounding how we can use air travel as a source of transportation and I am not one of the people to take that for advantage.

I took a few pictures of the other planes in the boarding area, and then shut my camera off so that it didn't interfere with the plane whilst it what taking off. I then decided to pull out a book to read. I refused to travel unless I had at least three paperback books with me at all times. At the moment I was reading a book that actually didn't have a name. The book itself didn't even have a cover. I often wonder if it was even published or if the writer just printed the book itself.

I open to my book marked page.

"Lítið andköf slapp viðkvæma munninn unga konu þegar maður caressed kinn hennar.

"Af hverju ertu að hlæja, fallegu stúlku mína?" Maðurinn spyr stúlkan.

"Ég hló vegna þess að ég hef aldrei verið eins nálægt því að manni áður." Hún svarar en hneigja höfuðið og leita til jarðar.

"Er það sem ég gera þér óþægilegt?"

"Það er alveg hið gagnstæða í raun, mér finnst bara eins og ég tilheyri þegar ég er með þér og ég skil ekki hvers vegna að það að íhuga ég bara ég ykkur fyrir mánuði síðan."

"Ef það gerir þér líða betur Ég finnst á sama hátt."

"Really?" Konan spyr.

"Sannlega." Hann segir. "

"That book truly is remarkable isn't it?" Noah asks me.

"Yea, it really is.... How would you know?"

"I too enjoy the Icelandic language and the author Anna Iverson. She has an amazing way with words."

"That she does."

He doesn't say anything after that. Is it just me or has this become awkward. Not having a lot of friends growing up I have learned that when talking to others you have to respond within thirty seconds or not at all. Seeing as it has been over three minutes I feel that Noah will not be responding. Oh well.

I decided that since Noah is deciding that speaking to me is not on his agenda for the day, I would watch a movie. However the problem is that I don't know what movie to watch. I really want to watch Lucy but Frozen is also one of the listed movies on the flight.

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