Chapter Nine: Time of Comfort is Over

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This chapter is dedicated to mianaprincess for her very sweet comment last chapter as well as for her support from the very beginning. Thanks!

To all my fans and readers. Comment and message me about the book. Or message me about your books. Ill check them out. We'll talk about them, maybe other things and become best friends. Or maybe acquaintances.

Thanks to all you lovely supporters. I love you all. And I wish that you would know how happy I am to have people read my work!

Anyways onto chapter nine

"Will all students please report to building A4, the auditorium, please. I repeat will all students please report to building A4, the auditorium please." A voice suddenly said out of no where.

"Where did that voice come from?" I ask Claire.

"Oh. It came from the lamp post. The lights here have speakers built in with them. That way you always know that if there's a light you will hear the message. It was a cheesy sort of thing that the school did in order to make everyone feel inspired. They wanted the 'light to guide the way'. Pretty lame if you ask me." She tells me.

"How do you know so much about Okos if its only your first year here?" I ask her.

"Oh it may only be my first year here but my cousin has been here for three years already. And he has told me everything that I could possibly need to know about Okos." She resounds. "Well... everything except what happens after opening week."

"What do you mean opening week?"

"Oh you didn't know? The first week of school is always an assessment type week. Even though the school has your transcript they want to see how talented and intelligent you are in person. So the first week of school is always a, sort of, test week. They post stats of how everyone is doing everyday. It shows how competitive each student is and the top girl and the top guy get perks. What the perks are, I don't know, my cousin never told me that." Sh explained. 

"If your cousin won't tell you anything you want to know then why does he tell you anything at all?"

"Well. Jonah was like a big brother to me. He always prepared me for anything that could happen, so he decided to tell me some of the things that happen here so that I would be prepared for what happened."

"Oh, well that's nice of him." I say.

"Yeah. He's the best." She admits.

A very deep, and annoying, voice interrupts our conversation.

"Talking about me again?" 

"God, do you ever disappear?" I ask him. 

He smirks, "I'm like your homework. You only ever see me when you don't want to, but then again, everyone ends up doing their homework at some point don't they?" 

Clarie bursts out laughing and I just glare at Noah with a disgusted look on my face.

"Well its a good thing I never have homework then." Is the genius response I come up with.

He snorts at my lame excuse for a comeback and turns to talk to Claire.

"How do you know about opening week?" He asks her.

"My cousin Jonah told me."

"Jonah? Like Jonah Silverton?"

"That's the one." She says.

"Wow. He's the best. His room is right next door to mine. He's a really nice guy. He also makes great cookies. By the way, do you know what he puts in his ginger snaps that makes them so damn delicious?"

"I do, but he's sworn me to secrecy."



Remembering the announcement I start walking towards the auditorium. 

"Where you going princess?" Noah asks me.

"Gross." I whisper under my breath. Why would he call me that. "I'm going to the auditorium. We got called over there. Remember." I tell him.

I continue on my route to the auditorium and they follow me. We walk into the building and grab our seats. The minute that everyone is seated, the lights go out, and its completely dark. Then a voice came over the speakers.

"Welcome to Okos Academy Year One students. We hope that you've enjoyed your meals, but your time of comfort is over for now because this assembly starts opening week. So hold onto your seats because the first event is about to start."

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