chapter 10

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"So Matt, tell me about yourself!" Mrs. Howard asked, looking over at the boy with interest as he shuffled in his place.
"Well, umm, I'm a musician, I play piano and guitar, I live next door, and I'm 17 years old." Matt stuttered, smiling awkwardly at the kind woman.
"You seem a bit shy, you're also very similar to my boy! You two should get along well. Right now he's at band practise, but I'll make sure he knocks on you tomorrow." she chuckled, setting the table for the lunch. Matt walked forward, helping to lay the table (as it was polite - and Mrs. Howard had been complaining about a rather persistent bad back). Matt let his mother and brother take care of initiating conversation after that as he headed out into their rather impressive back yard.

The back garden was magnificent - various exotic flowers peeked out of the hanging baskets above the doors while strands of ivy draped down one side of the wall. It was neat and colourful, accompanied by a small bench at the bottom of the garden that overlooked the golden beach and the azure teignmouth sea. This was everything Matt wanted - a house away from the bustling cities surrounded by the sea. He melted into the chair, gawping and admiring the truly stunning views presented before him on this fine saturday afternoon. The birds flew high overhead, some Matt identified as gulls as they headed off to circle a passing ferry. Various children giggled and played in the silk soft sand, and the occasional rabbit bounded across the village green. He decided he liked Teignmouth, just as his mum called him in for lunch.

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