*5 ° Street Drama

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"Farha! Watch where you're going!" Kat screams at Farha, who is so engrossed on her phone, she doesn't notice the electric pole a few feet away from her. She looks up in time and changes her direction.

"Sorry. This Candy Crush is killing me! How do they expect me to pass this!" She flails her hands in the air, before going at it again. She sticks out her tongue from the corner of her mouth, tapping at her phone with fervour.

I chuckle, "Farha, I swear if you get an accident right now, I'm leaving your body here."

"Huh?... yeah... I love you too," She says, her attention a million miles away.
As much as I love Farha, she can be a bit childish sometimes, which can also be annoying.
I hook my right arm with hers, so I can keep her on the right path. Kat just shakes her head, smiling.
We're on break from lectures for an hour, and luckily Kat is too, so we just decided to eat lunch at a café nearby.

Farha keeps on muttering, "Stupid candies!" and "Ha! Take that you sweet monsters!", then goes quiet. Just when I think she's given up, she goes off again, "In your face! Level completed!" And pumps her fist in the air.

Kat groans, "For God's sake Farha, will you stop? People will think you just won a lottery, and not just some silly game."

Farha gasps in shock, "A silly game?! You call Candy Crush a silly game? You have no respect for games, missy. Hm!" She raises her chin and stomps off.
Like I said, drama queen.

"C'mon Kat. I've exhausted my energy trying to control our little Candy Crush player, and now I'm starving!" My stomach rumbles in agreement. I point to my belly, "See, I told you".

"I'll second that," Kat laughs and we enter the cafe.
Farha's already picked a table close to the window so we can see people walking by.

"The weather's so hot today!" Kat says, pulling at her shirt collar.

"Isn't it always?" Farha snickers.

"I swear, I don't know how you guys manage to wear your hijabs under this temperature. I mean, look at you two... you're covered from head to toe!" Kat continues, fanning herself with her notebook.

Farha and I share a look and smile. "That's the blessing of it, Kat. We wear it in whatever condition and wherever we go. We're used to it, it doesn't bother us at all. Without it, it's like leaving your house with no clothes on... We feel exposed and somehow naked," I explain.

"I don't care if it's 45° outside, I'll still put it on," Farha shrugs and Kat just nods in understanding.

"Do you know people in the west actually take coffee and tea in the afternoons?" Farha says.

"Why shouldn't they? You know how cold the weather is over there, especially in England where it rains constantly, plus, I think it's part of their culture or something." I tell her.

"As for me, I can't imagine drinking something hot under this African sun." kat replies.

"But at least they get to experience winter. If it ever snows here, I'll eat a hat," I wave the waiter over to order our drinks.

"It's Allah's will. Different places, different cultures, traditions and different climates. Everything He creates is perfect." Farha drops her hands on the table, a serious look on her face, "Besides, we hardly experience things like earthquakes, tornadoes and stuff. I'd say every place on earth is a paradise in it's own way," She points out.

By Allah! This girl can be childish sometimes, but then, she can also be wise and sensible.
The waiter arrives at our table, so I tell him our choices.

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