*38 °The Reunion

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The new year celebrations last for the first three days before things go back to normal. Though it's a not a celebration we indulge in, getting to witness the start of another year is worth saying Alhamdulilah. The trip to Egypt had been a memorable one, those precious weeks we spent by ourselves away from work and family, enjoying each other's company.

Upon our arrival, I'd pushed off receiving any guests for a few days, needing the time to rest up and prepare for the project ahead. Nevertheless, it didn't stop Nadia from rushing off to the orphanage to see Shukra. I still can't forget how shocked she'd been when she saw that video on her birthday, or the huge smile she has on whenever she returns from seeing her.

A beeping sound from my phone interrupts my thoughts, notifying me of an incoming email. I check it quickly to confirm if it's exactly what I'd requested before sending a reply to Umar, and then leave the bedroom. The smell of freshly brewed coffee permeates the air as I approach the kitchen, my gaze zeroing in on the steam drifting into the air. A perfect way to start the day. Though I've come to tolerate the different flavours of tea that Nadia makes me drink, nothing compares to a cup of coffee. I drop my things on the dining table and lift the mug from the coaster, bringing it close to my nose to take a whiff before taking a sip. That familiar, bitter burn brings a smile to my lips as I take another gulp.

Nadia walks in on me from the back door, her forearms glistening with water. She glances at the clock, then stops to drop a peck on my cheek. "Leaving already?"

"Yeah," I smell the lemony scent of detergent on her, and presume that she must have been taking care of the laundry.

"I'll have breakfast ready in a few," she announces, opening cabinets in the kitchen. She grabs some eggs from the fridge, and a pack of raw sausages.

"Don't worry about that, I'm about to head out."

Her attention riveted on the food, she replies, "It's barely 8 in the morning, I'm sure the people at the office can manage without you for a few minutes."

I let out a sigh. "I'll get something later."

"You've been saying that for the past three days now, and then you return home looking like a zombie."

A muffled laugh escapes my lips despite the cutting remark. I tuck my phone into my trouser pocket, and make to sling my bag when she whirls on me, placing a fist on her hip while still clutching the ladle. She narrows her eyes at me in a glare, daring me to put up an argument. The look more fierce than any I've ever seen, that it makes me wonder if she's in one of her monthly mood swings. Though it's hard to keep a straight face, when she's wearing that ugly shirt that has an enlarged face of a smiling One Direction member on it. I'm going to get rid of that shirt soon enough.

"If you want to be able to concentrate fully at work, you need to eat Jamal." She stalks towards me with a plate full of scrambled eggs, pan seared sausage and banana bread, her face set in a hard look.

Suddenly at a loss for words, I plop down on the chair, deciding to appreciate the food and not put up any resistance. She sits throughout the entire time I eat, her frown starting to dissipate and being replaced with a victorious smile.

Halfway through and I push the plate away, my stomach protesting against anymore food. "With the way you're feeding me, I'm going to get bigger in no time."

She takes the plate away and returns, taking her seat on my thighs. "You could grow a potbelly, and I'd still love you," she says, patting my cheek.

I laugh at that, shaking my head. "That's reassuring." A buzz from my phone cuts through the moment, reminding me of the long, stressful day ahead. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to the office."

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