*8 °A Touch of Light

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Badra's appearance the other day was a surprise, I wasn't expecting to see her so soon.

We'd first met on an outing when I was in NY. She was on vacation, exploring every designer shop she could find, attending fashion shows and eating at exquisite restaurants. She'd just graduated from a university in South Africa and as a gift, her dad had given her the permission to go wherever she'd wanted.

She'd told me she was taking on the world, one city at a time and I kinda fancied her, though her ideas seemed extravagant. She was from a wealthy family, so who was I to complain? We'd hit it right off and it felt good to meet someone from the same place, even though it didn't thrill her much. We had subsequent dates and not long after that, we were dating.

I hear the door bell ring and a subtle knock on the door. I open it to find Badra on the doorstep, clad in jeans that doesn't ignore the curves, a pink top and a denim jacket. Black sneakers grace her feet, a black bag perching on her arm and a dark scarf wrapped loosely on her head.

I grin at the sight, ever so beautiful. She has a beauty like a neon beam, you just couldn't miss it. I pull her in with one hand and she slams into my chest, an 'oof' sound escaping her lips.

"Good morning to you too, Al" She says sweetly, batting her lashes. Only Badra calls me Al, she claims Jamal doesn't sound American-ish and I never objected.

"Be careful, okay. You almost spilled some tea on me." She glances at the mug in my other hand. "Do you know how much this costs?" She asks, gesturing at her clothes.

"It's coffee, Badra. I don't drink tea" I take a sip, still holding her against me. "I can't function properly without a morning coffee."
She wraps her arms around my middle, her bag on the floor, "Your accent has gotten thicker. I've missed you, Al", she sighs softly in my shirt.

"I know and I've missed you too, Bee." I nuzzle my nose in her neck, taking in the strong scent of her expensive perfume.

She laughs, "It tickles, Al" then moves away to the couch and I follow. She sits, legs crossed, "We didn't talk much yesterday. Why are you home all of a sudden. Are you visiting or what?" She looses her scarf and drops it beside her, ruffling her short hair.

"Why did you take your scarf off?" I ask back. "You know I don't approve of you doing that."

"Oh please, Al. I'm pretty sure the whole world's seen me without it and besides it's hot today," She argues.
I sigh, too hot to wear a hijab, but not too hot to wear a denim jacket? I keep the thought to myself.

"So, why are you home?" Her tone goes a bit impatient and I choose to ignore it.

"Mom and dad want me here, I've taken over the company," I say and place the empty cup on the table.

"What?!" She asks wide eyed. "Does that mean you're not going back to New York? How could they do that to you?" She starts pacing the living room, her heels hitting the floor with a click-clack sound.

I roll my eyes at her behaviour, "I can go back, on vacations and business trips maybe. This is my home now, they needed my help, so here I am. It's fine though" I tell her, hoping to calm her nerves a bit.

"How is that fine?!" She screeches, "how can you stay here? I was planning on going back next week and I thought we'd go together. This has just messed up my plans." She throws her hands in the air. "This is going to affect our relationship you know? I'd already told everyone that we'd live together in New York after the wedding, now you being here changes everything. I really don't want to live here, Al."

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