*29 °Of Aches and Desires (2)

400 29 10


       Finally, the day of the anniversary has arrived and I'm filled with excitement and anticipation. Yesterday had been awfully tiring, baking ten batches of cupcakes of different flavours alone, then frosting them which had taken up the whole day. I'd ended up sleeping like a baby in Jamal's arms, dozing off the minute I hit the bed. He'd chided me about it, but later conceded after I told him how much I enjoyed working with my hands.

I pick a dress off the hanger; a dark blue floral maxi gown with long sleeves that flows out to my ankles. Peony and cherry blossom are patterned across the dress, in colours of red and cloud grey. I finish off the look with a minimal make up; warm peach for blush and an acid wash Rethink matte lipstick the colour of burgundy. Satisfied with the look I manage to pull off, I move to my braids to twist them up in a knot. Jamal steps into the room, fitting a leather watch to his wrist, decked in a grey fitted polo shirt and dark jeans with matching sneakers. As usual he's looking dapper and devilishly handsome in his casual clothing, a different look from the dress shirts, ties and suit jackets he wears to work.

I watch as he lifts his gaze to meet mine, his eyes widening a little in surprise. "Who are you and what have you done to my wife?"

I laugh, "She's right here. I don't look that different," I say, eyeing myself in the mirror. The eyeliner makes my eyes look bigger, the brown iris sharper. The contour highlights my cheekbones, the blush creating a warmer peach shade. I rarely put on makeup and when I do, it's for an event. But since I'm a stay-at-home kind of person, even those don't come by easily except the ones mom drags me to.

"I'm suddenly having a hard time letting you go out like that," he says, coming to stand behind me, our reflection displayed on the mirror.

I lean against him, the smell of his cologne permeating the air. "Don't tell me you're feeling possessive."

He sighs, fingering my braids and brushing them off my shoulder. "Maybe I am, thinking about all the eyes that will behold your beauty today is tearing my heart apart."

Our gaze locks in the mirror, his arm caging me in as he nuzzles the spot between my neck and shoulder. "But then again, I'm comforted by being the only one who gets to see the whole of you, every day and every night."

I smile, dropping a quick kiss to his jaw before picking up my scarf. "So am I."

"I'll be downstairs. Are you taking the cupcake stands along?," he asks stopping briefly by the door.

I nod, grateful for the help. By the time I join him outside, all the cupcake boxes are in the car with the stands. "Thank you."

"You worked hard yesterday. If I hadn't gone to work, I'd have helped a lot more." He glances at his watch, "Let's get going."

We arrive at Imran's hall minutes later, the exterior decked with balloons and colourful banners. A grin spreads across my lips as Jamal parks in an empty space in the parking area. The place is almost packed full with other cars, people coming in and out.

Jamal helps with cupcakes while I take the lightweight stands and we walk in together. The place has been transformed entirely with colourful decorations. Balloons of bright colours, carnations and flowers deck each part of the huge hall along with the stage lights creating a warm ambience. The chairs are covered in pink and tied with white ribbons, the tables decked with flower vases.

"Wow! Huda and Imran went all out, this place looks amazing." Jamal comments as he follows me to the table reserved for my cupcakes.

"I know right." I place the stands apart, their eye catching colours glinting in the lights. Looking around, I see a lot of kids from the orphanage along with the helpers, teachers and caretakers. They wave as they notice me, the kids jumping enthusiastically.

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