*10 °Papers, Brooms & Badra

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Dedicated to oluwatimileyin 11 & Bushra Mubarak1 for the reads and votes! And to the rest of you lovely bookzillas!


The time says 11:25am and I'm already exhausted. I've been working on a building for a client, analysing and designing. It's going to take more time to finish, then send it to the engineering department, get their approval and point out errors and problems.

It's their job to decide what type of wood, metal and floor will be used for the building, then a lot more after that. We work with only the best at Sahih Buildings; top engineers and architects in the country.

It's tough work and I wonder how dad managed all these stress before I came.
I loosen my tie and roll up the sleeves of my light blue plain shirt, then cross check the plan of the building.

A knock interrupts my concentration and I let out a frustrated sigh, "Come in".

"Sir, it's almost time for the meeting", my secretary announces. I glance at the clock and it's already 11:30. I don't bother to fix my clothes.
Whoever gives a damn can get out. I'm too tired to care.

"Thank you, Umar. I'll be there in a minute".
He nods and closes the door. I gather the papers and proposals for the meeting, when I hear another knock.

I rub my temple, trying to contain my annoyance. "What is it?" I ask in a forced tone. No one replies, instead Badra comes in with a smile on her face.

"Badra, I'm busy. I have a meeting, you know that" I say in a monotonous tone, without looking at her.

"But I really wanted to see you. Besides, how am I supposed to know you have a meeting by this time" She says, dropping on the leather chair across me.

"I always set my meetings from 11:30 to 1:30 before Zuhr, every Tuesday and Friday. I even texted you that I'd be busy all throughout the day. " I gather the last of the papers and stuff them in my briefcase. " I can't entertain you right now, okay?" I grumble.

"You know, I like it when you're all bossy", She gets up and leans towards me, a glint in her eyes. She caresses my arm and I flinch, stepping away from her.

"What's with you? Ever since that lecture on Sunday, you've been acting strange" She says, getting angry.

"I've told you. No more physical contact, none. Weren't you even listening to the scholar?" I ask, my patience thinning by the second.

"So what? Do I have to care?" She huffs indignantly and crosses her arms.
Umar pokes his head in, a scared look on his face and I have to clench my fist so I don't yell at Badra.

"Sir, sorry for disturbing, but the investors and clients are waiting."

"Yes, come in", I beckon to him. "Please help me with my briefcase and let's go".

I totally ignore a fuming Badra, who's shooting daggers at my head. I ignore that too.
"Badra, you can see yourself out. I'm really busy, maybe you can come by the house later or tomorrow".

"Sir. You left your phone on the desk." Umar reminds me.

"Leave it." I say as I walk towards the door. " I never take my phone to meetings", we head out to the meeting room and I apologise to the people waiting for me, Badra completely forgotten.

An hour and a half later, I've struck a deal and gained a contract for a shopping mall plaza. Thank God, wait till dad hears this. I smile as I exit the room, preparing to pray salat al-Zuhr with the rest of the workers.

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