*22 °Hurt & Healed (1)

441 40 13


Slamming the laptop shut, I lean back in the chair, rubbing my temples wearily. The headache doesn't seem to be subsiding any time soon, and I still have a lot to do.
No pain, no gain right?

The clock makes a shrill sound as it strikes 9am, a reminder that I've been at this spot since I'd observed Fajr.

"Jamal? ", mom walks in, a frown etched on her face.

"Hey mom". I reopen the laptop, and resume with my previous task, going through the financial report of last month's expenditures.

"Why didn't you come down to eat with us? ", she asks, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I've been really busy", I reply, casting her a fleeting smile.

"That has been your excuse for more than a week now. I understand the work you have to do, but you've always made time to eat with us, and chat for a while, not being holed up in here all the time", she complains, her eyes boring into mine.

My stomach churns with guilt, knowing that she's right.

"Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do. Avoiding the rest of the family, burying yourself in work... ", she sighs, "You can't keep doing this Jamal", she adds softly. I look away from the sympathy in her eyes, wanting none of it.

The pressure of the job has been helping in taking my mind off things, and a certain person. Being idle brings back memories I'd rather choose to forget soonest.

Mom wraps her arms around my shoulders, resting her chin on it, "I know her betrayal hurts you, but don't give her the right to put you in this state", she presses a light peck on my cheek, "Everything happens for a reason Jamal. You may feel disappointed when things don't go your way, but know that it's only because that path was never meant to be yours, and Allah wants another for you. Have faith in His will, my child. "

I rest my head backwards, releasing a sigh, "Thanks mom".

She removes her arms, and faces me, a soft smile on her lips. Knowing her message has been sent, she pats my arm, "Make sure you come down for dinner tonight, in sha Allah, and get some breakfast when you're done here".

She closes the door behind her with a gentle click, leaving me in solitude. Though I'd rather not admit it, but thoughts of Badra have been replaced with another, ones of whom I'm yet to meet.

Mom had given me a few days to get over the shock of Badra's betrayal, nevertheless she didn't waste any time in suggesting the daughter of a friend. She'd gone with dad and Jahid to the girl's house on Thursday last week with the proposal, and got a reply later that night. The family had agreed on a meeting tomorrow, right after Asr.

With each passing hour, she manages to sneak into my thoughts, and I find myself wondering who this girl is, that has my mum wrapped around her finger. Mom has lots of friends with grown up daughters, but somehow, she has her eyes set on this particular girl.

"Brother Jamal?", Hafsah pokes her head in after knocking, balancing a little tray on one hand and opening the door with the other. "Mommy asked to bring you coffee, said you'd need it".

She places it gently on the table beside the laptop, before straightening up.

"Thanks Hafsah", I say, reaching for the hot steamy mug. She smiles and walks out.

Minutes later, Jahid bursts through the door, grinning broadly at his laptop. "It's Lilo, she wants to talk to you", he announces.

He removes mine from the table and sets his, proceeding to snag a slice of toast from my plate, and stuffing it into his mouth.

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