*37 °Arabian Nights

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The sound of the lapping waves from the sea gently eases me out of my sleep, along with the fresh, salty taste that lingers in the air. A satisfied sigh escapes my lips as I open my eyes, my heart quickening at the sight in front of me.

Careful not to disturb his sleep, I trace the familiar lines of his face with my index finger. From those bushy brows to the soft planes of his cheekbones, and down the bridge of his nose. Light as a feather's touch, I move on to his sensuous lips, and hear a sharp intake of breath, looking up to find his raven eyes on me. Something crosses his face, his eyes gleaming intensely with mischief and pleasure.

"Morning birthday girl," he says in a raspy voice that makes my toes curl.

Cupping his cheek, I stroke his jawline feeling the light stubble along it. "Did I wake you?"

A slow smile spreads across his face, "I lost all want for sleep the second you taunted me by touching my lips." His eyes flicker to my lips briefly, and I shudder from the intensity of the desire behind them. "Should I take it as a sign for something?"

I manage a demure shrug of the shoulders, not trusting my brain to form coherent words.

"I'll take that as a yes then," he says, closing the distance between us. He dips his head into the crook of my neck, setting my skin ablaze with soft kisses and his breath fanning my skin.

A moan escapes my lips as his continue to wreck havoc on my senses, shattering whatever control I'd have mustered.

He lifts his gaze to sweep across my face, and grins with satisfaction at the sight of me. Just when I think it's over,  I feel a nip on my throat, and my fingernails dig into his back as his teeth graze my skin, aiming lower... and lower. Eyes wide and heart pounding I return the gesture before topping it off with a kiss, taking pleasure in the growl of his voice, and smoldering gaze.

It takes a couple of minutes before we take a breather, pillows askew and sheets in a tangled mess. Feeling the warmth of his arm around me, I murmur against him. "This still feels so unreal."

His chest rumbles as he chuckles, "We've been here for three days already."

"I know... It's just, we're in Egypt. It's like a dream come true." 

He lifts my hand, and laces our fingers together, his long ones dwarfing mine. His voice drops to a tender whisper as he says, "Your wishes, your dreams are mine to fulfil, and I plan on making them come true in sha Allah."

I stare at our joined hands, a feeling of happiness and contentment spreading through me. Ever since we arrived in the dazzling city of Alexandria, every minute spent with him has been enchanting.

A few weeks before our departure, I'd had an inkling that Jamal was planning something, not missing the faraway, excited look he bore whenever he was deep in thoughts, and the soft smile on his face. But never in my wildest dream did I think it would be this, a trip to Egypt!

From the moment I'd pulled the tickets out of the envelope, I'd been so utterly astonished that I'd tackled him to the ground in a bid to hug him. The next couple of days were spent packing, and informing our parents.

But they'd already been aware, since Jamal had solicited both his, and my parents for assistance, especially in getting my international visa and other necessary documents from them without me knowing it.

We'd spent the first day in our hotel room simply enjoying it's luxuries, and getting over the jet lag. I'd wanted to start exploring the ancient city immediately on arrival but Jamal had been against it, saying I needed to rest up after the long flight. Nevertheless, he still took me out on a night walk by the sea, hand in hand as we made footprints on the beach.

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