*23 °A Blooming Beginning

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I'm really excited about this chapter, I mean duh!, they're getting married!!!!
Which is why I'm giving out invitations to all you lovely readers, but some get to be VIPs, cause they're just that special.

BarakAllahu feekum to these beautiful viewers, because a million thank yous isn't just enough! 😘

@Sydhussein, @ayshamee, @MelanieHall964, @Aminafaruk, @tentimileyin, @faridahiliyas, @beingfadz, and @simply_beebah

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Clutching my books tighter to my chest, I try to see through the misty blur of my vision as I make my way home.

The wedding's been cancelled.

I feel my heart squeeze painfully in my chest as I remember her sobs, the sleeves of my shirt still wet from the tears she'd cried.

The wedding's been cancelled..

It feels like a dream that's turned into a dreadful nightmare, and no matter how much you hope and pray to wake up any minute from its hellish claws, there's still that part of you that comes to realise slowly, that it's real.
All the preparations, the plannings and the happiness...everything gone, and without a reason. I swipe at the corner of my eye, ridding the salty tears of any existence. I'd tried to be strong for her, but now, I don't know how long I can hold up.

The wedding's been cancelled...

It's as if an arrow has been pierced through my heart, and I try to imagine what she must be going through right now. Not watching my step, I stumble on a rock, my books flying in all corners.

"SubhanAllah, what is wrong with me? ", I drop to the ground to gather the books the same time someone else does. We bump hands lightly, and I withdraw mine almost immediately. Standing up on my feet, I balance the books properly and look up at the person.

He smiles crookedly at me, posing a stance that clearly shows off arrogance and pride. A long scar runs along the side of his face, marring his features and giving him a hardened look.
"Distracted?", he asks, cocking his head to the side and looking down at me.

Clearly, he doesn't know how to lower his gaze. I feel a slight chill on my skin as his eyes rake my entire body, openly leering at me.
I collect the book he'd picked up, and in that moment, his big hands roughly close over mine. I jerk away in shock, his touch sending the wrong amount of vibes.

"Oh, I'm sorry", he says still smiling, his tone lacking the remorse behind the words.

I offer a quick thanks, before spinning on my heels and walking away. Goosebumps erupt on the back of my neck, and I know for a fact he's still watching. "Congratulations on your wedding! Finally found someone you like huh? "

The words catch me off guard, and I turn to look at the stranger. He winks wickedly before crossing the street and disappears from my sight.


Something's definitely not right with him. With one last shudder, I walk up towards the front door and get in. Mom's on the phone, her brows furrowed as she talks fervently to the caller. I can't count the number of phone calls she's made, especially during the past few weeks. She turns her head towards me, and her expression changes immediately to that of curiosity.

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