*9 °Love In the...What?

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Dedicated to neko 1406 for the amazing votes! Thank you!


"What's the lecture about again?" I ask Farha again. I was so wrapped up in the idea of seeing Dr. Yusuf in person, that I forgot about it.

" 'Finding your second half', I told you that yesterday, didn't I?" She replies offhand.
Finding your second half equals marriage talk. Oh Allah! What is this?

First Farha, now my favourite scholar is bringing up the topic I want nothing to do with, not that I have anything against it though. Oh well, I can survive this.

The lecture goes on and honestly, I'm impressed with Dr. Yusuf. May Allah bless him for all his works. Though I'm not a fan of the topic at hand, I'm still at awe by his in-depth knowledge and captivating words. Ma sha Allah, I'm so glad for this opportunity to witness this. It may be once in a lifetime kinda thing.

Mother nature starts to call half way through the seminar, so I take my leave, "Farha, I'll be back, I have to use the ladies' room" I inform her.

"Yeah, sure. Take your time." She says, her mind captured by the speaker.

I walk into a toilet stall, finish up and come out. There's a girl standing by the wash basin, applying touches of makeup to her face. I join her as I wash my hands, then leave.

"Hello...Hi, hey!" Someone calls from behind me. I turn to find the girl from the restroom, walking up to me in her heels.

"Salamualaikum." I greet her with a smile.

"Uhm... yeah.. hello." She replies with a shaky smile.
I look her up and down in disbelief. She did not just reply my salaam with a simple hello.

"Sorry, I can't find my way around here. I went to use the restroom and I can't remember where the ladies section is, so I decided to wait there till someone comes in. Well, you're the first." She explains, tugging at her black scarf uncomfortably.

"Oh, I hope you didn't wait long. You could've asked someone for help, instead of staying in there" I say in a friendly tone. I give her a full smile, "You're new here?"

"No, not really. By the way, my name's Badra." She says stretching out her hand for a handshake.
I stare at it, shake my head and give her a hug instead. It takes her by surprise cause she pats my back awkwardly.

"I'm Nadia and sorry about that. I'm just glad to meet new muslimahs all the time. This is you first time here?" I ask.

"Yes. I came here with my boyfri---, uhm I mean, fiance" She replies.
Did she just say boyfriend? Maybe I heard wrong or something.

"Wow, Ma sha Allah, that's wonderful. I wish you two a blissful life together. Now come, let me show you the way." I beckon to her to follow me, as I make my way to the hall.

I arrive to find it almost half empty. Oh no! I missed the last part.
Badra notices my slumped shoulders and taps me, " I'm sorry you missed it," she apologizes.

"No, it's okay. I heard most of it anyway." I can't find Farha anywhere and I'm worried she must be searching for me. I send a quick text to her;

Me: hope you aren't worried. I'm at the mini-store.

Farha: Ya Allah! What were you doing in the toilet for so long! Giving birth or what?!

Me: quit exaggerating. I only spent 10 minutes. See you soon, salaam.
I put the phone back in my bag and turn to Badra, who's still standing beside me.

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