Chapter 23: School Is Not The Worst Torture

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I woke up, anxious what's going to happen after school with Vlad.

I punched the wall. Tch!! I'm so weak! I just allowed Vlad to be my puppeteer again!

As I am right now, I'm not strong enough to take him down. I need to wait and continue to become stronger ... stronger than Vlad ... stronger for those I care about ... stronger for my country.

Because not only does Vlad have everyone I care about here hostage, but he also has the citizens of Ghostzone as leverage against me as well. One wrong move, and an innocent person in Ghostzone could end up dead. They've done nothing wrong and don't deserve torture from Vlad!

And going to a teacher would be no help at all. I mean, what are they going to do? Go to war with Ghostzone? It's a country, not an organization!

I took a deep breath. I knew this could happen but I still wasn't ready for it, but I have to endure this for my classmates, Uncle, the old man, and every single person in U.A.

'I've endured this pain for 9 years of my life. I can keep on going for a little more.' I thought, trying to convince myself that everything will be alright.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast, only to see the old man already up and cooking.

I waved. "Good morning, dad." I greeted. I said 'dad' this time to tell myself that nothing has changed between the old man and I because a fruitloop was added to the equation.

Aizawa is still my one and only father.

He looked up in surprise at the title but lazily waved back. "Good morning, kid."

"What's for breakfast?"

"Blueberry pancakes." Mmm...I normally don't like pancakes, but the old man puts something extra in it to make it amazing, but he won't tell me what it is as it is a 'secret'. Que air quotes.

He's just being mean.

I took a bite and I immediately smiled in extreme satisfaction with the food in front of me. I wolfed down the rest and licked the plate to make sure I didn't miss a single piece.

I heard a laugh and I looked at my dad in annoyance.

"What?! It's good!" I yelled at him while turning my head away and crossing my arms.

But even though I felt irritated at him, I felt warm in my chest again. I want this warmth to stay forever. Will it be ice cold again, just like it was when I was in Ghostzone?

I got ready and the old man drove me to school. U.A. started to come into view and I felt the chains around me tighten once more. The time to go to Vlad's temporary house is getting closer and closer. I don't know what he has in store for me but I know it's not anything good.

That's when a voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Danny. Danny. DANNY!!"

I jumped in surprise. "What?!"

The old man looked at me from the drivers seat with calculating eyes. "We're here."

I looked out the window and he was right. The school was right there in front of us and we were in the parking lot.

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