Chapter 28: It's Time To Study And...Uh Oh

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Izuku's POV:

After an hour of the study session, I understood why Danny got first place during midterms. He's amazing!

He could answer any question in a quick second, even college level ones! We learned this when Iida decided to bring a college textbook to study with, since he knew that he wouldn't need too much work on the current subjects.

Danny started to sit down next to Iida and walk through the problems with him with ease!

He was even extremely knowledgeable in foreign languages!

Todoroki, Iida, Sero, Ojiro, and I walked into Danny's room, went to the chairs that were surrounding a large table, and sat down.

We stared to look around and found it to be a pretty normal. That's when Iida suddenly stood up for some reason.

He walked up to the bookshelf and took out a pretty thick book. I looked at the title and I found out that it wasn't written in Japanese or English.

Iida opened it, trying to read it with the rest of the guys looking over his shoulders, doing the same thing.

Todoroki looked at Danny. "Danny, what language is this?" He asks in curiosity.

He looked at the book cover and just shrugged nonchalantly. "It's Russian."

All of us had wide eyes at that. "You can read Russian?!" We all yelled, excluding Todoroki who was looking at the bookshelf again.

Danny nodded like it's no big deal. Todoroki looked at him with interest again. "I found other books that are in many other languages. How many can you speak?"

Flashback end

I would understand English since it's his native tongue, but he could even speak Russian, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, French, Esperanto, Irish, and Vietnamese!

Sero looked up at Danny. " are you so good at everything?" He asks him in awe as Danny was helping him in Classical Japanese and Ojiro with English.

Danny sighed while correcting him on a mistake he made on a question. "I'm not good at everything." For some reason, his eyes were filled with resentment for a second before going back to normal.

I looked around and saw that Iida, Todoroki, and Ojiro caught it as well.

"Really? You can answer college level questions, know multiple languages, you're really good at fighting and controlling your Quirk, and you can even play multiple instruments! What can't you do?" I exclaimed, wondering what he can't do.

Everyone in the class knows about Danny being able to play the violin, piano, and guitar when he demonstrated it in music class.

Danny's POV:

What I can't do, huh? I can't get my freedom. I can't beat Vlad. I can't stop being afraid. I can't free my people. I can't stop my memories being replayed in my dreams. I can't protect the ones I care for and I can't move on from the past.

There are too many things I can't do.

I need to get to get stronger to make these turn all these I can't around to I can.

Iida's POV:

Danny smiled at us. "I can't cook, for one." He said in a joking manner.

I looked at him more closely and I noticed something. His's so empty. It reminded me of my smile when I tried to reassure everyone I was fine after my brother was attacked by Hero Killer Stain.

But why...why is Danny smiling like that? What's causing him to be hurt so badly?

I want to help him because a hero helps everyone in need and I promised myself that I wouldn't allow anyone to end up like how I was, but I don't know what's causing Danny's anguish.

I then thought back and I was stunned for a moment. What did I really know about Danny? What was his life like before Aizawa-sensei?

I just realized that I don't know anything about what kind of life he lead after his family died and before Aizawa-sensei came. Does anyone know?

Danny always seemed a bit secretive. He always avoided talking about himself as much as he could, never changed with us in the boys' locker room for some reason, and out of anyone I've ever met, he has always had the most powerful ambition to become strong.

But why? Danny was already plenty strong for his age, so why is he forcing himself to become stronger?


"T-there's someone I want to arrest."

Flashback end

Could that be it?


"There's someone with the same Quirk as me who used it for terrible things."

Flashback end

I looked down a bit at my homework, trying to focus on my studies while thinking at the same time.

What happened to Danny in the past?

"Ah!" A scream broke me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw an annoyed Danny with orange juice all over his clothes with Sero next to him, holding an empty glass with orange drops on the side.

Sero put his hands in a pleading motion. "Sorry, Danny!"

Danny just gave him a small smile. "It's fine. I'll just go change. I have some shirts in the old man's room, so you guys don't have to leave. I'll be right back." And with that, he went out the door.

I stood up. "I'm going to help him. I'm sure the orange juice is doing no justice to his hair. I'll ask him if he needs any assistance."

I went out the door and into Aizawa-sensei's room. I opened the door. "Hey, Danny! I just wanted to see if you needed he---" I stopped when I took a good look at him.

He was shirtless and was about to put on a dark green and back shirt, but what got my attention the most was the scars.

There were so many of them!! There were a lot of scars caused by blades. I saw some that looked like burns that a bullet scar I see?!!

Meanwhile, Danny looked like a deer caught in headlights and then annoyed.

"Don't you knock?!!" He exclaimed loudly in anger.

I looked at him in concern. "Where did you get all of these?"

Danny's POV:
Uh oh... This is not good.

To be continued...

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