Chapter 27: The Prince Who Became An Interrogator

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After school
I took out my cellphone to call the old man.


"Hello?" I heard his drowsy voice.

"Hey, old man! I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to go to the arcade, so I might be a tad bit late." I lied, trying to sound as cheery as possible.

"Ok. Be home at a reasonable hour." He ordered. I laughed. Despite his pro hero status and amazing strength, he's just the same as any dad.

Vlad's not a dad.

"Don't worry. I will. Bye!"


I hung up and walked towards my destination. I arrived at the mansion and took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell.

The second I pressed it, one of the knights opens the door.

"Come in, my prince." He respectfully bows to me as I gave him my backpack and stepped in the house.

I gritted my teeth at the word 'prince'. When will these people get the fact that I don't EVER want to be called that?!

I immediately made my way towards Vlad's office as I knew he would most likely be there. I knocked the wooden door.

"Come in." I heard his repulsive voice say and opened the door to see him signing a bunch of papers.

He put his pen down and looked up at me. "Welcome home, son." Home, huh? This will never be my home.

"Father, can I ask you something?" I started as I sat down.

"What is it?"

"Can I take the rest of the week off?" I don't know if he would let me, because next week is the training camp, so that would make it almost 2 weeks in a row away from him and his torture called training.

He looked up in curiosity. "Why?"

"I'm going to be hosting a study session since some of my classmates are asking for my help." I explained, then as an after thought... "Since I'm the smartest student."

That should at least get me some points in my persuasion.

Vlad looked down in his thoughts. "Alright. You can go. Besides, we can't have you coming every day , or else people might get suspicious on where you're going eventually, and we can't have that, now can we?" He concluded with a sly voice at the end.

I gave a smile. "Thank you." Even though he was only doing it for his own benefit.

He stood up. "Now, let's get back to training, shall we?" He asks as he directed me towards the training room. I followed him, wondering what he has in store for me.

I almost gasped at what I saw when I walked in the room. There was a man tied in a chair with blood and bruises covering his face.

My heart pounded as I already knew what I was supposed to do, even before the words came out of Vlad's mouth.

"We already worked on your physical training. Now it's time for your mental training." He pointed towards the broken man. "He tried to assassinate me back in Ghostzone and knew one of the secret passageways. Do you know what that means?"

I nodded grimly, knowing very well on what that meant. "We and the ones who work at the castle are the only ones who know of the secret passageways. If an outsider knew of even just one, that means that there's a mole in the castle, feeding him info."

He gave me a smile filled with satisfaction and pride. "That's right and your job is to beat the info out of him on who the mole is."

I clenched my fists in anger. "Why me?! Why can't you do it?!" Out of all the horrible things he made me do, Vlad has never made me do something like this! Please don't make me do this!

The Lost Prince, The Founded Hero (Alternate Version)Where stories live. Discover now