Chapter 33: Is This What It Feels Like To Have Friends?

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Sorry for being so late! All of my classes suddenly had huge tests so I didn't have enough time to write! I might be a little slow for in updating for a bit.

After the test, Iida, Izuku, and Uraraka walked towards me. I heard about how Bakugou actually cooperated with Izuku and they passed. I was both surprised and relieved.

"Hey, Danny!" Izuku called out to me. "All three of us were going out to celebrate the exams! Want to come along?"

My eyes widened a little. Should I? I want to trust again. I looked at Iida and he gave me a nod with eyes saying 'Don't run away from this.'

I finally made my decision. I gave a soft smile. "Sure."

I could tell the other two were a bit surprised, but Iida gave me a look of pride at my answer.

We went to a small wagashi shop and bought some of the sweets. The wagashis were so pretty! Then, we all sat outside on the grass and began to eat it and talk about the exams and other things.

After 5 minutes of talking, I turned towards Izuku. "Why does Baka-gou hate you so much?" I know it's none of my business, but I can't help but be curious.

Iida and Uraraka also turned towards him with a curious glance. Izuku looked strangely nervous at this.

"W-well, I didn't have a great control over my Quirk back then and was considered weak by everyone at school, to the point of Quirkless, and got bullied often by Kaachan. I guess Kaachan didn't like the fact that I've grown stronger." He nervously answered. I know he wasn't telling us the whole story, but I got enough.

Iida, Uraraka, and I were pretty mad at what we just heard and began to tell Izuku to not let his comments get to him.

We told jokes and began to tell all these funny stories on what kind of things happened when we were little. I only told stories of when my parents were still alive and had kept blowing up the lab.

I...I haven't felt so happy since Elaine. It's like my childhood that was stolen away from me was starting to come back, even if it's only a little. Could I really start a new future with these guys?

After it started to get dark, we all began to go home with Iida and I walking together.

Iida's POV:

I looked at Danny's face. His expression had a sense of peace. It was so different from the broken expression he held yesterday.

Danny decided to break the silence and looked up at the clouds. "You know how my dad was Quirkless, right?" I nodded, already have been told by him.

Danny continued to look at the skies. "My dad was often bullied when he was in school, and I got my Quirk from my grandfather, but sometimes, I kind of wish I was born Quirkless. Maybe if I was, I wouldn't have had to gone through all the shit I've been through and my family would still be alive."

I clenched my fists at this. Just because Danny was born with a certain Quirk, so many terrible things happened to him! How is that fair?!

Danny continued to talk. "But I realized that can't be focused on what I can't change so I tried to find some 'ups' instead of the 'downs' of my situation."

I looked at him with wide eyes. "Is there even a single 'up' to your situation?!"

He nodded and gave me a smile. "Without going through that hell, I would've never have met you, the old man, Uncle, All Might, Izuku, Uraraka, and everyone else in Class 1-A!" His surroundings looked sparkly for a second.

I was shocked and noticed he was right. Without that old bastard, Danny would probably be in America with his family right now and would've never met us.

But even though that would've been a better life for him, I'm glad that he's here with us and away from him, even though it's only until our training camp ends.

He's right. We can't change what's in the past. I'm glad that he's starting to look a bit more forward instead of looking back all of the time.

I stopped suddenly and Danny continued to walk a couple more steps until he realized I wasn't walking with him and stopped as well, turning around to look back at me. "Is something wrong?" He asks in concern.

I gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I just wanted to know if you want to come over at my place since my father is out of town and my mother is in the hospital with my brother because...well, you know." The air suddenly got very awkward.

Danny smiled softly and tried breaking the awkward silence. "Sure. I'll just text the old man to let him know."

I grinned. It's kind of depressing to walk in a large house without any of the noise I'm used to hearing, caused by my family.

We started to change directions to my place. "So, will you start to hang out with our classmates more and try to make friends?" I asked him in curiosity.

He looked a looked a little taken aback at my question before recomposing himself. "Y-yeah. I've been thinking about it and maybe, just maybe...I'll be able to get a new future. Having friends right should be okay, right?" There was uncertainty in his eyes.

I gave him a grin. "Of course it's going to be all right! We're going to be heroes after all, right? We'll be able to blast anything that's in our way, so it's okay!"

He laughed and it sounded so...real. It was filled with life. "Thanks, Iida. For everything."

"It's not a problem."

To be continued...

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