Chapter 25: Remembering An Old Sun

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I woke up and found that the bed was empty and that the old man was probably making breakfast right now. "Good morning!" I yelled downstairs, to make sure the old man knew I was awake.

"Good morning, kid." I heard him shout back.

I went to my room to change my clothes when I heard my phone's ringtone. I looked at the caller I.D. and saw Izuku's name. I raised an eyebrow.

What does he want?

I answered it. "Hey, Izuku! What's up?" I asked after greeting him.

"Good morning, Danny." Izuku greeted back. "Iida, Uraraka, and I are going to walk to school together. Do you want to join us?" He invited me.

I thought about it. Eh, why not? "Sure. Swing by my house in an hour or so."

"Okay. See you soon."

"You, too. Bye!" And with that, the call ended. After I was done changing, my phone started to ring again. Who is it this time? I looked at the caller I.D. and I froze.


What does that bastard want?! I took a deep breath and answered the call. "Hello, father." I greeted, clenching my teeth.

"Hello, son." He answered back and the moment I heard his voice, I wanted to throw this phone to the other side of the room.

"What do you want?" I asked with a bit of sass.

"Oh. I didn't know I had to want something to call my favorite son." He answered back, mocking hurt. I clenched my phone. You always have something up your sleeves so of course you have to have a reason!

"Sorry, dad." I apologized in a sarcastic manner, but he either he didn't catch it or decided to ignore. I'm going to guess the second one.

"I just wanted to make sure you're up and getting ready to go to school. After all, I have about a year of fathering I need to make up." He explained his call to me in a sickly sweet voice.

I'm so glad that this was just a call so he couldn't see my face right now. "Thanks. I'm getting ready to walk with a couple of friends." I responded back, going to my bed for a pillow and threw it across the room as hard as I can.

"Friends, huh? I remember that you had someone like that in Ghostzone, didn't you?" I froze at this. Then my face twisted in anger and my body started to shake in fury. dare he mention her?!!! "What was her name again?" He asked and that just got me even more enraged. That damn bastard!!!

It took me all I had in me to not scream in rage right then and there. "Elaine. Her name was Elaine." I informed him harshly.

"Whatever." You piece of shit! "Just making sure you're not trying to ditch class. Have a good time and come by after school." He hung up.

I need to take my anger out in something so I went to the training room, passing by the old man, who was putting out the plates for the finished meal.

Aizawa's POV
Where is he going and why did he look so upset? I've never seen him this angry before, so I got worried and followed him to room? What's he doing here?

Danny's POV
I arrived at my destination and immediately went to the training dummy. I started to punch and kick the poor thing into pieces.

He had no right to mention her!!

Danny - 10 years old

I was in the alley, having been allowed by Desiree as she understood I needed some time to myself. I started to kick the brick wall in anger, thinking of all of the torture I'm being forced to go through.

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