Chapter 29: The Seven Children

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Iida and I were having some sort of stare down.

"Where did you get those scars?" He repeated again, his voice obviously indicating that he's trying his hardest to calm down.

I hastily put on the shirt and looked away. "It's none of your business." I stated harshly.

"What do you mean, 'it's none of my business'?!" He began to yell. "I'm your-"

We heard footsteps. "What's going on over there?" It was Izuku's voice.

The door opened and it revealed the rest of the study group. "We heard yelling. Is everything alright?" Mashirao asked us in concern.

I gave Iida a look that clearly said to shut up and don't say anything. I'm pretty sure he got the message as he narrowed his eyes back.

"Yeah. Everything's alright. Sorry to worry about you guys. I just told Iida that I wasn't going to wash my hair until you left, but he started to rant at me how I should wash it now. Something about being presentable or something." I explained with a fake smile.

Iida went along with my story. "Yes, Danny. You should really wash your hair now. It's sticky, unprofessional, and it could get into your eyes." I've got to admit, Iida's a great actor.

I fake sighed in annoyance. "I told you, I'll do it later. Let's finish the session first."

He gave me a look that says, 'We're not done.' Give me a break.

I started to berate myself. While it was his fault for not knocking, it's also my fault for being careless and leaving the door unlocked.

We went back to studying and I could feel Iida's eyes on me almost the entire time. He's so annoying and protective! I guess that reaction is normal for someone striving to be a hero (maybe not Mineta or Bakugou) but still! I just want to be left alone.

After it was all over, everyone started to go home.

"Thanks, Danny! I'm understanding things a lot better now! I'm coming back tomorrow! I still need help on some history stuff!" Sero shouted as he left.

Mashirao gave me a smile. "Thanks for helping me, Danny! I'll see you in class tomorrow!" And with that, he was gone as well.

Izuku bowed. "Bye, Danny! Thank you so much!" He then had a curious look. "By the way, where is sensei?"

"Oh, he's at some meeting. The USJ incident isn't totally cleaned up yet and they're still trying to find Kurogiri and Shigaraki Tomura." The three that were still here had a look of understanding.

"Ah, I see. I hope they catch them. Well, anyway, bye!" Izuku waved and ran off.

Todoroki gave me a small smile. "Thanks and good luck on the test, even though I know you won't need any."

I laughed. "You, too. Bye!"


All that was left was Iida. I looked at him with irritation. "Well? Aren't you going to leave?" I know I was rude, but I didn't care. I just want him out of here.

"Not until you tell me how you got those scars. I'm just worried, Danny." Iida wasn't at all affected by my harshness.

If I were the old me, I would've said, 'I don't need you to!' Or something like that, but I've changed ever since I came here. I'm happy and relieved that he's worried about me, but I still can't tell him anything.

I smile softly. "Thanks for worrying, Iida. I'm not ready to tell you just yet, but when I am...will you be there to listen?" I asked the same thing I asked the old man. Will he be here to listen for me?

Iida looked taken aback, but beamed back at me and nodded in understanding. "I promise and heroes never break their promises." And he walked away from my house until I couldn't see his back anymore.

Iida's POV:

I'll find out for sure what he's hiding. There was so much pain. There's no way I can ignore that! Maybe Aizawa-sensei knows something?

Danny's POV:

Iida...I know that one day, you'll be a better hero than I could ever be. You got over your darkness and that's what makes you strong. I'm still...even after 10 years...I'm still trapped in the past. I'm still stuck in revenge.

What would it be like to be in Iida's shoes? What's it like to be so free from your anger and hatred? It's something I can never imagine.

The last time I didn't have a motive for revenge was when I was 5. Even though I remember almost every memory of me being happy during that time, I could never feel the happiness and joy I felt back then in real life. It was all taken away from me by Vlad!

I took a deep breath. Don't let anger consume me or else I can never think rationally and that could get me killed.

I needed to do something calming, so I went to the piano and started to play a children's song.

For some reason, even though it's a children song, I've always loved this melody when I learned Japanese. It always soothed my heart.

I stopped playing and smiled a bit. This song is about a mother crow and her seven children. I hope they can get a happy ending.

I heard the door open and the old man came in. "I'm home." He called out.

I ran to the door. "Hey, old man! How was the meeting?"

He flopped in the couch, wrapping himself in a blanket. "Exhausting." And with that, he succumbed to his tiredness and fell asleep.

I smiled softly. I wish this peace would last forever. My friends...old man...Uncle...All Might...every teacher in all have changed me so much...I'll always be grateful for it. Now let me do something for you and allow me to help protect this peace for as long as I can.

For you guys, any torture is worth it.

To be continued...

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