Chapter 32: A Broken Prince's Trust

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Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and I went into the waiting room and were waiting patiently for our turn, trying to come up with a plan against the old man, but with his Quirk, our usual fighting strategies are no good and it shots down almost every plan we have in mind.

"Team Sato and Kirishima retires due to both members losing consciousness." We heard over the loud speakers and were shocked.

"No way..." Yaoyorozu whispered out, her voice shaking a bit.

Todoroki looked indifferent, but I could tell this announcement slightly disturbed him. I felt the same way, because the it's barely been a minute since their test started!

It was time for Tokoyami and Asui's test to start and even though it was for about 10 minutes, it felt like an hour as I was so nervous for mine.

When we heard they passed, it was a relief that while this test was hard, it wasn't impossible.

Yaoyorozu stood up and looked up at the speakers. "Tokoyami and Asui have passed." She quietly said to herself.

I saw that she had this weird look on her face when she heard the announcement. I guess she's still upset about her loss against Tokoyami during the Sports Festival.

I perked up a bit when I heard it was Iida's turn. I turned to my teammates. "I'm going to watch Iida's test, okay?" I silently asked for their permission and they nodded.

I walked in the monitoring room and saw Izuku and Uraraka. "What are you guys doing here? Don't you want to plan with" I then remembered who their partners were and I can already guess what happened. "Never mind."

They both laughed with a sweat drop. "Yeah..."

Izuku's POV:

I looked at him, confused. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your team, planning?" Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are reasonable people, unlike our partners.

He smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, but I wanted to see Iida perform and I got permission from my teammates."

Is it just me or did Danny and Iida get a lot closer since yesterday? Today, when the class got together, Danny greeted Iida with a smile I've never seen before.

It felt so...alive and real. Not that his other smiles were fake! It's just that...he just seemed a lot more happier than usual.

I wonder if something happened between the two of them when they walked home together last night. I never really thought about this before, but when has Danny really got close to anyone his age?

Sure, he's close to Aizawa-sensei and Present Mic, but that's it and they're all adults. They're his family.

He's nice and friendly, but he doesn't get too close to anyone he's afraid of something.

Whenever we try to invite him out to hang with us, he always declines. The only thing we really do together outside of school is walking home.

I would've kept my thoughts going, but Iida and Ojiro's test started. The minute the test started, things already looked pretty bad for the duo as Power Loader kept destroying the ground.

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