Chapter 34: How I Found Happiness

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Vlad looked at me while smirking. "Don't you get it, my son? You can never escape me. You'll always be mine." He then spreads his arms to me and came closer with a sick smile.

I woke up abruptly woke up from my nightmare. I looked at my shaking hands as I knew it was covered in sweat.

That dream again. I haven't had one of those in a while. Aizawa...old He kept me safe.

Desiree once told me of a story. I think it was called Rapunzel.

The antagonist, Dame Gothel, caught a man stealing from rampions from her garden and told him that he can have as much as he wants in exchange for his daughter, and the man agreed.

Many years later, the girl, Rapunzel, now has beautiful long hair and is trapped in a tower with no exits except for a single window, which Gothel uses, using Rapunzel's hair as a rope.

One day, a prince heard her singing. He learns of the way into the tower and they fell in love. The prince visited her daily, avoiding Gothel and they planned to escape without her knowing, but she found out.

She cuts Rapunzel's hair and left her in the wilderness. The prince came again and Gothel used Rapunzel's hair to get him to climb up, and, to his horror, didn't see his beloved.

Gothel told him that he will never see her again and he jumps out of the tower and into a thorn bush, thus blinding him.

For months, he wanders through the country and ends up where Rapunzel now lives with twins she gave birth to. He heard her singing voice and they reunited. His sight came back with a single touch and they lived happily ever after.

I laughed bitterly. That girl was kind of like me until someone saved her. When will I get my savior? When will I get my happily ever after?

Elaine was my savior, before she died. She saved my humanity.

Back then, I always wondered if I was human. Love, kindness, happiness, and friendship were all beaten out of me. I couldn't even feel fear and sadness at one point either.

The only emotion that existed within me were anger. It was a really dark time. Not even Desiree was able to save me. She could only do so much with the amount of time I had with her.

Then, out of nowhere, that big ball of sunshine comes forcing her way into my life.

Danny: 10 years old

Elaine looked at me with a large smile. "So, so! What's your Quirk?!"

I glared at her. "My Quirk is none of your damn business!"

I hate my Quirk! More than anything!

But she wasn't scared. All she did was pout childishly at me. Is this girl blind? "Geez, don't be like that! We're friends, right?"

I pushed her away slightly. "Look, I never agreed to be friends with you!" I growled.

She then went into a thinking position. Then, a light bulb appeared above her head. "Oh! If I tell you my Quirk, then you have to tell me yours!" She smiled brighter than the sun.

Is this girl stupid?! I wanted to say that, but she just kept yammering on and on and on. "My Quirk is called Medicine! My blood and saliva cures anything! The worse the thing is, the more blood and saliva it's gonna need! Now tell me your Quirk!"

Why? Why is this girl not running away. I've been nothing but a bastard to why?

I looked away from her. "My Quirk is called Ghost. I can turn intangible, fly, and turn invisible. Now it's time to ask you a question."

It was like there was a sun right behind of her. "Ask all you want!"

I looked at the ground. "Why?! Why are you being so nice to me?! We're strangers! I've done nothing but treat you like shit, so why?!" Tears were coming down my face and I didn't know why.

I was in unfamiliar territory. I was not used to kindness. I was scared.

She kneeled on the ground to look at my face. She wiped my tears away with her fingers. "Pain, suffering, anger. I can see all that in your eyes. I can recognize it easily because that's how many of us on this country feel. I never thought the prince would feel the same as us."

"But I can see now that you're no different than us, despite having fancy clothing and tons of food, you're suffering from the king, just like the rest of us, right? Probably even worse."

She suddenly hugs me. "Those scars on your body and mind, I want to heal them. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, so you're going to be my official first patient and I'm going to be your first friend!" She smiled at me and in that moment, I experienced happiness for the first time in 5 years.

Flashback end

Tears came into my eyes. Why?! Why did she have to die?! Why did Vlad have to take her away from me?!!

Danny: 10 years old

I snuck out of the castle to see Elaine again with Desiree's help.

She grabbed my arms and with a child like excitement, started to pull me over to somewhere. "Come on! Come on! Come on!"

I stared at her in as I let myself be dragged. "What are you so bouncy about?"

We reached our destination and I saw the source of her excitement. It was field of flowers. They all shined in the sunlight with delicacy.

She jumped up and down and pointed at them. "Look! Look! Look! Aren't they pretty?!"

I smiled teasingly at her. "You know I can see your underwear, right? To even wear them, you must really like flowers, huh. You're so childish."

She blushed as she pulled down her dress. "You idiot! And here I was trying to share a nice moment with you! And I can be childish since I am a child, so nnn~!" She stuck her tongue out at me.

I laughed at the scene. "Hey, since you like flowers so much, once we get off this country, how about I show you cherry blossoms?"

Her eyes sparkled at that. "Really?! I've only ever saw and read about them in books, but they looked so pretty! You'll really take me to see them?!"

I nodded in confirmation. "Totally. I can't wait to see a white cherry blossom petal in your hair. I bet it would look so beautiful on you!"

She blushed again in a shade of red I never thought existed until then. "R-really?"


Flashback end

Elaine...I love you so much. I hope you are having fun wherever you are.

I let the tears flow as I cried myself back to sleep.

To be continued

Looking for any pairings suggestions. I don't care if it's yaoi or not. Just looking for ideas.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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