Chapter 30: How Far Have I Fallen?

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The next few days went by fast and before we knew it, it was time for the final exams.

3 days of the written exam...ugh... It was so freakin' boring!! I'm always the one to finish first, so I'm practically doing nothing while waiting for the day to be over!

Written Exam - Day 3

The old man raised his hand, signaling to stop. "Pencils down, everybody. The last person in each row, collect the tests and bring them here."

Mina and Kaminari suddenly stood up, ran to Yaoyorozu, who was collecting her row's tests, and cheered.

"Thanks, Yao-momo!" Mina thanked with a bright smile

"I didn't leave anything blank, at least!" Kaminari cheered with a thumbs up.

I looked out the window. This test was too easy and boring. At least during the practical exam, I get to kick some robot ass.

I wonder what I would've been like if I wasn't taken by Vlad. I probably would've been around 15th in the class, winging every test, and freaking out about the exams.

Then Jazz would've tutored me, trying to force information into my skull every minute of every day until the exam day. I tried not to let's tear show as I clenched my fists.

Mom...Dad...Jazz...I would trade all of my talents, intelligence, and strength for them to come back to me. I then mentally slapped myself.

Dammit! Why can't I just let the past be the past?! It's not like my family is ever going to come back from the dead! It's not like I can go back in time to prevent being captured by Vlad! So why...why can't I ever move on?!

Iida did! Even Todoroki did, as he's now using his fire side more often! Why am I the only one with so much trouble?!

When I defeat Vlad, will I then be able to move on? Or will nothing change and I'll still be stuck in the past?

Maybe I can ask Iida. I won't tell him of my past but I'll just ask what made him move on from his anger.

After school, I made up my mind and walked up to him.

Iida's POV:

I saw Danny walk up to me with a serious expression on his face.

"Want to walk to the park after school? I want to talk to you about some things." He asks while not looking at me in the eye.

I wonder if it had something to do with his past? I was curious as to what he wanted to talk to me about, so I nodded.

We started to walk out of the school and began to walk towards the park. "So?" I asked him when we arrived, a bit impatient. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

There was no one around and we both began to sit down on the grass. He didn't answer for a few seconds so I turned towards him, and he was looking at the ground, hair covering his eyes.

"What made you move on from your hatred and revenge? Was it because you defeated the Hero Killer?" He sounded desperate to know.

He looked up and I saw his eyes. They were filled with pain. Danny...what in the world happened to you?

I decided to answer him, wanting him to not go any further in his dark path.

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