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Do you hope when you fall apart
It'll be a masterpiece of flying heart break
Each broken piece dancing in the chaos
You blew with your very own pain
To the music of every scream you cry in
Overwhelming amazement of every bad song

Do you hope that when it's all gone
It'll begin something for someone else
Your dusk becoming their dawn.
That your ending
Can create beauty in lost
The way the moon creates light when no one even cares to watch
Be the start of something bigger then you could
Ever do if you decided to stay

Do you hope that if you ended it now
You'd be worth more?
Worth millions?
Worth every moment you refuse to take
With half forgotten Diamond incrusted quotes
Leaving your lips in life changing goodbyes
Riches spilling as red jewels from your wrist
Instead of sitting like cheap cords in your vines
Feeling all to heavy to really be worth anything.

Do you ever hope
That it'll never come to that?
While still hoping it will?
Do you ever hope for hopeless?

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