Moving On

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I have lasted this long
my filth buried away with this grief
So slowly,

Ever so slowly,

I start to wash myself clean
And these memories roll down my back
Dripping onto the cold hard tile
Drawing Blood
As I start to scream

Everything hurts when I think of you.


Except the parts that should. The parts that should've loved you. 

Everything Hurts.

My hands.
That would trace your jaw when you spoke
With words sweeter than the sugar
That ran off my lips
When we kissed

My eyes.
That would memorize your smile
Catching each wrinkle that sprouted
At that perfect sound
When we laughed

My whole body
That would rest right next to yours
Feeling every breath
Like they came from the same mouth
when we touched

Everything Hurts.

When I remembered all
The Unforgettable dreams
The Unpredictable  plans
The Unexpected future
All that rested just beyond your stare 

That same stare that, just yesterday
Cried for me to stay
Though like those plans, those memories
They were forgotten
In the acrobats of a tongue
That didn't know what remorse was
until it was too late.

So forever more
those gymnast, those acrobats,
those stupid silly words
Still run all over my body
Carving regret mixed with fears into my skin
Skin, That I thought had gone numb to your smile
But now shakes in tears when I try to forget it

I continue to try

I start to tear down the dust and mold of this depression
that had me in its awakening grasp
To replace your lonely embrace

And then like everything it starts to burn bright everlasting holes into soul
Letting the world see absolutely everything 
With its purity 
Burns me to a place
When I use to be that pure
That perfect

To  a place
When you held me when I wasn't
Held me, when I stopped trying to be.

But now I'm trying
I am trying  to keep going
Trying to love the way clean feels on my skin
Trying to love myself without you

But every time I breath
I wish it was your words that I inhale instead
Of the remains of a self broken heart.

That you forgot you claimed.
When I forgot how to move on.

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