Tea- Sherlock X Reader Pt. 1

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You drum your fingers against the windowsill. The sunshine is pouring in and the birds are chirping. You are now sitting in the window, watching the life beneath your flat.

People are walking by, going their own ways. You didn't notice the door open. Nor did you notice your brother, Jim Moriarty walk up behind you.

"Nice day, huh?" He asks. You jump, startled at his presence. "I didn't notice you come in," you say. He snorts. "You don't say," he says before turning around and going off into his bedroom.

You sigh. Your brother was becoming more distant lately. His bedroom door was always locked. His presence had begun to make you feel anxious. Whenever he was around, you felt like prey to a predator. But, he was your brother, regardless of what you thought.

You slowly get off your bum and move into the kitchen. You begin to make tea. You pour some water into the kettle, and set the kettle onto the stove. You lean against the counter and cross your arms.

"(Y/N), I'm going to be getting home late tonight. Don't expect me for dinner," Jim says, entering the doorway of the kitchen. He gives you a sly smile, then exits the flat.

You run your hands through your hair and exhale a breath you didn't know you were holding. The kettle whistles loudly, alerting you that the water is finished boiling. You take the kettle off the stove and pour some water into a teacup. You get out a teabag and set it inside the cup to steep.

You hear the door handle to the flat jiggle. Slowly, you make your way to it and approach the door. You pull your pistol from the cushion in the chair right beside you. You hold the pistol up as the door handle slowly turns.

The gun is turned off of safety and cocked. You aim with your finger on the trigger, ready to shoot. Slowly, the door opens to a tall, dark- haired man and a shorter, sandy-haired man. They put their hands up in surrender and slowly inch foward.

"Put. The weapon. Down. Now," the taller man coaxes. "How do I know that you won't kill me?" You ask. "I have no weapon concealed on me, except a revolver." He pulls a revolver out of his pocket and throws it onto the floor. "Now, put the pistol down. We're not going to hurt you. I swear," he says.

You nod and turn the safety back on. You re-hide your pistol in the chair. "Now then, who are you and where is Moriarty?" He asks. "Uh, I am (Y/N) Moriarty. If you're talking about my brother, you just missed him," you say, going back into the kitchen.

You pull the teabag out of your cup and toss it in the rubbish bin. You make your way over to the fridge and open it up. You pull out the milk, then shut the doors to the fridge.

You put a tad of milk into your tea, and stir it. You place the milk back into the fridge and sit down at the table. "So, you are Moriarty's sister. You feel threatened by him. He has changed, hasn't he?" The man asks.

"Quite. He used to be loud and goofy. We were close, Jim and I. Mum kicked us out, then we got this flat. That was about four years ago. Over the past year, his whole demeanor has changed. Now, he is quiet and keeps to himself. He's even gone as far as keeping his bedroom door closed and locked at all times. He is distant. He now gives me the heebie- jeebies," you say, taking a sip of your tea.

"Don't mention to your brother that I've been here. Don't mention anything. If he starts to really bother you, here is your phone with my number on speed dial," the man says, handing your phone back over to you.

He immediately walks out of the kitchen and out of the flat. "Uh, thanks for the info, I'm John, by the way. That was Sherlock. See you, um, bye," John dashes out to catch up with Sherlock.

You shake your head. What on bloody earth has Jim done this time? 

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