Now Or Never💍- Moriarty X Reader

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You shoot the man without an ounce of remorse. The last thing he will ever see is you pointing a gun straight between his eyes. The last thing you will ever see of him is the wide-eyed look of fear.

You smile as his body slouches over, then falls forward, out of the wooden chair. Suddenly, applause fills the room, echoing off the concrete walls and floors. You turn around, gun aimed and smile disappearing. The intruder raises their hands in surrender and smiles widely, chewing gum.

You lower your gun, realising who your intruder is. Then, you smile and wrap your arms around him. "Jim," you say in a child-like tone. He lowers his hands and puts them on your hips. "(Y/N)," he says with a playful animosity.

You giggle. "Did you like what I did?" you ask. He nods, biting his lip. "Daddy likes what he saw, Kitten," Jim says, looking into your (E/C) eyes with his chocolate brown orbs.

"Good, 'cause I did it just for you," you say. Jim growls with his playful animosity that turns you on. "You're so loyal to me, Kitten. I think you ought to get a reward," he says. Your eyes light up. "What kind of a reward?" you ask. "It's a surprise," Jim says. Never one to hate a surprise, you squeal like a little girl.

Jim leads you out of the warehouse and into a sleek, black Jaguar. He gives the driver directions, whispering so you don't hear him. He then rests one hand on your thigh and the other on your face, his lips resting on yours. You cup his face with your hands and kiss back with ferocity. He grabs your waist and sits in the seat, pulling you on top of him so that you straddle his waist. You run your hands in his hair, lips moving in sync.

Then, you stop as the car stops. You climb out- Jim behind you- and notice a big, wrought iron gate standing in front of you. You gasp at the meticulous detail in the gate. Jim wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you to the gate. He presses a button on a keypad, and the gate swings open. Jim leads you on a cobbled path to the front of a huge Victorian mansion.

You gasp in surprise. "Do you like your surprise?" Jim asks, holding out a key. You nod, not able to form words and take the key. "What led you to this?" you ask, unlocking the door. Jim doesn't respond.

You hear shuffling behind you, so you turn around, then look down. Jim is on one knee, a red velvet box opened to a rose gold ring with diamonds in the shape of a heart. You gasp and squeal delightedly. "I figured that it was now or never," he says in that sexy Irish accent. You giggle like a little girl. "Marry me," he says simply.

You nod and he rises, grinning like the mad man he is. He slips the ring on your finger, then pulls you into the house, closing and locking the door. Jim cups your face and places his lips on yours. You kiss him back, making him kiss more ferociously. Jim places his hands on the back of your thighs. You jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist.

And the rest is history...

So, I don't write smut. At all. The rest of the story is left to your imagination. So don't ask for a smutty part two, 'cause that ain't gonna happen. Got it? Good.

I love how nobody has ever requested smut, and I'm making it seem like somebody has...

Anyways, don't request smut and have a good day.

Love you so much,
Juju 😘😘

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