King of England🤴🏻Mycroft

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Mycroft entered the grand room, in which Sherlock resided on a sofa, wrapped in a sheet. Sherlock sneered at Mycroft and Mycroft grimaced in return. "It seems my client is the Queen, or should I say, King," Sherlock jeered.

Mycroft sighed. "Why is it that every time you visit Buckingham Palace, you're dressed only in a sheet?" Mycroft asked, changing the subject to Sherlock's choice of attire. Sherlock gave Mycroft a defiant look, to which Mycroft slid Sherlock's clothes in front of Sherlock.

"Sherlock, put your trousers on! This is the second time you've come into Buckingham Palace without them, and it is a disgrace," Mycroft said, gritting his teeth. Sherlock only smirked.

"Yes, my king," Sherlock said. He stood and mockingly bowed, then gathered his folded clothes and left the room to change. Mycroft sat down in a chair, rubbing his forehead.

Today was not going to be good; it had barely started, and already, Mycroft was worn out.

It's been a while.

Sorry that this is so short. I wrote this two times before deciding on the version above. I got the idea for this from a comment made by LawrenceLChloe

Anyways, love you all,

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